Chapter 24

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Lorna had heard Daryl leave, but hadn't properly registered the fact that she was now laying alone, in the cold, eery house.

She felt guilty for acting so distant on the ride home, but she needed some time to digest what had happened.

Being alone wasn't the problem for Lorna, it was the thoughts that came through as she laid in complete silence staring up at the off white ceiling.

She heard an engine close by and just assumed it was Daryl returning. She decided that she should apologise and have a chat with Daryl about what had happened instead of bottling up her feelings like she usually did.

The engine had cut off by the time she had made it down the stairs, but when she looked out of the window, she couldn't see Daryl's truck anywhere.

She shrugged to herself, assuming he had parked it out of sight and made her way to the kitchen to make them a drink.

She heard the door open and knew it would be Daryl.

"I'm just in the kitchen!" She called out. "I was hoping we could have a chat. I'm sorry for being so ignorant since-"

A cold sharp pin prick was pressed against the back of her neck.

She tried to turn around to see what was happening, but she was being held firmly in place by a large pair of hands gripping her hips firmly, she could smell the cheap, but rare aftershave the intruder was wearing. It was fairly familiar, it definitely wasn't Daryl's.

She couldn't find the energy to speak never mind fight the intruder off.

Within seconds she found her eyes slowly drifting shut, her limbs numb and unmoving. Then everything went black.

The intruder scoped Lorna up in his arms and carried her out of the house, laying her down on the back seat of his car.

He knew she would be out cold for a while, so he headed back inside the house, bagging up her clothes and other belongings and making it look like she had left willingly.

With a job well done, he headed back to the car and drove away with Lorna's body laying limp in the back and a suitcase full of her belongings in the boot.

"...well I will arrange a meeting with the right people and we can get the ball rolling, but you need to make sure this is definitely what you both want. You may be young, but many teens are able to raise children, graduate from school and get a good job." Mrs Peletier explained to Daryl as they walked down the now empty school corridors.

"It's is, at least I think it is. I'll make sure we have a proper chat about it tonight." Daryl replied.

Mrs Peletier nodded and smiled. "Good luck Daryl."

He nodded a thank you before leaving.

All he wanted to do now was head straight back home, climb into bed with Lorna and cuddle her for the rest of the day. He decided the information he had found out about adoption would be better left until the next day. He just wasted to spend the day making sure she was okay, that she was comfy and could have a few moments where she wasn't worrying about the baby.

The house was dead silent as he entered and he assumed Lorna was right where he left her.

He made his way up the creaking stairs case and to the room they slept in, only to find that it was empty and in a bigger mess than it was that morning.

He instantly noticed that the majority of Lorna's clothes where gone, as was her suitcase. Just the odd shirt was left peaking out from under some of his own clothes.

He couldn't understand why she had moved her clothes.

He checked the other rooms for any sign of her, but couldn't find her.

"Dammit, Lorna where are you?" He shouted throughout the house, but he didn't get an answered.

Her clothes and bathroom products had gone, she had just left him.

It almost broke his heart knowing that she had willingly packed up her bags and just left him.

All he had been trying to do was help her, he thought she loved him, he thought she wanted to be with him.

He had tried to protect her and save her, and she had practically thrown it back in his face.

He was angry that she would do that. There wasn't even a note.

He wanted to believe that their was a logical explanation for her just upping and going, but his anger took over and wouldn't allow him to be rational.

He felt cheated, hurt and even used.

He angrily kicked the kitchen table, flipping it onto his side. He had opened up to her, fell in love with her and all for what?

To be hurt and left alone.

"Well done." The man chuckled as he looked down at Lorna's limp body which was tied down by metal chains in the basement of his home.

"I'm not comfortable with this." The teen sighed.

"So what?" The man snapped. "Tell anyone and I'll kill ya, you got it?" He asked angrily.

The teen nodded. "Yes Mr Dixon."

"Good boy Shane. Now why don't you toddle off home and fuck one of your imaginary girlfriends?" Mr Dixon laughed.

Shane sighed. "Bye." He mumbled.

"Oh and if I get the police at my door, whether or not it was you who called them, I will personally hunt you down."

Shane gulped. "I understand. I won't tell anyone."

Mr Dixon nodded. "Good because you will regret it."

Shane nodded. "I'm sure I will."


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