Chapter 29

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Lorna's parts are in italics because they are three days before Daryl's part.

(Three months later)

"What the hell are you screaming at!" Will shouted as he jogged down the stairs into the basement.

Lorna had tears streaming down her cheeks, her teeth biting down harshly on the gag and her hands were balled up tightly into fists.

Will pulled the gag from her mouth. "Answer me! I could hear you through the gag all the way up stairs! Stupid bitch!"

"It's hurts! It really hurts. Please, I think it's the baby!" She cried as she looked down at her swollen stomach that was contracting painfully.

She had been locked in the basement of Will Dixon's house for three months, no one knew where she was and she was pretty sure that Daryl had given up looking for her too. She had come to terms with the fact that she was more than likely going to die there.

"But it's too early." Will said, showing the first sign of panic that she had ever seen in his features.

Lorna screamed out in pains again. "I need to go to hospital!" She shouted.

"No! You can't, you push it out here!" He stated.

"I can't. It's not safe!" She shouted back.

"I-it'll be fine." He stammered, his carefully thought out plan was slowly crumbling around him.

Daryl had never given up looking for Lorna. He would spend night after night just driving around town, traipsing through the woods, in hope to find her. During the school holidays he had been further out and had driven all over Georgia, just driving for hours on end, hoping he would spot her somewhere.

Shane's suicide had been the main topic of conversation during the little time Daryl was at school. He chose to ignore it, he never liked Shane and if what his father had said, he hated him even more.

Merle had completely lost contact with Daryl again, nothing new there, but Daryl couldn't deny that it hurt, that his own brother wasn't bothered. No one seemed to want to help him. Even Maggie and Glenn had given up after a few weeks.

Now Daryl was walking aimlessly down the street, it wasn't one he was familiar with, although he did recognise a few people on their gardens doing every day normal things.

"Hey, Daryl?" He heard someone call.

He spun around coming face to face with Rick Grimes who was jogging towards him.

"What do you want?" Daryl grumbled.

"I's kind of a touchy subject. Do you want to come in. I have...I have something to give you."

Daryl frowned. "What is it?" He asked.

"Just come in." He said before turning around.

Daryl sighed and followed Rick into his fancy house.

His parents were out on the garden planting new flowers. They smiled brightly at him, which he tried to return, but failed.

"Hurry up Grimes." Daryl grumbled as Rick searched through a draw for something.

"Ah ha." Rick said when he pulled out an envelope.

"What is it?" Daryl asked as he took it from Ricks hand. Daryl's name was printed on the front.

"It's from Shane." Rick said scratching his head. "He left one for me and his parents too. We were all kind of confused as to why he would leave you one. I thought you hated each other, I would have gave it you sooner, but you were never at school and I've not seen you recently."

Daryl wasn't listening. He was already tearing the letter open.


I'm keeping this simply because even now I still think your an asshole.

I've fucked up. I met your father a while ago, he helped me through some stuff, but it's nothing I need to be explaining.

He blackmailed me over what he helped me with. It involved taking Lorna and making it look like she left willingly. She didn't. I was made to drug her, pack her belongings up and take her to Will Dixon's home where she still is now. At least I hope she is.

He's waiting until she has the baby and then he's going to sell it.

I'm sorry I went through with it. I've felt guilty ever since, all I care about was keeping myself safe, but the guilt soon kicked in. I allowed her to be taken by him. The guilt for this is one of the main reasons I'm doing this today, I don't want to hear what happened to her, I don't want to feel this guilt anymore. I'm a coward and I hate myself.

He has her chained up in the basement. You have to save her Daryl. She needs your help.


Shane Walsh.

Daryl snatched a pen from the top of the draws and scribbled his fathers address down.

"Send the police to this address." He said throwing the paper at Rick before running out of the house.

"Daryl wait!"

"Just read the letter and call them!" Daryl shouted back.

Lorna cried and cried, the pain was unbearable. She was still changed up, the gag had been forced back into her mouth.

Will stood in the corner of the room biting his finger nail as he watched the scene nervously. He hadn't planned for this. It had all sounded so easy. Too easy, he should have known that.

He eventually went back to her, pulling the gag from her mouth and unchaining her.

"Try and leave and I'll shoot you!" He warned.

"I have a baby coming out of me. I can barely sit up never mind run!" She spat angrily before another intense pain shot through her body. "It hurts so bad." She cried.

"Just push or something." He panicked.


"No buts just do it." He ordered as he pulled her trousers down and off her legs.

She nodded while panting and attempted to push, but it only made the pain worse.

"I can't, I can't do it. I need to go to the hospital." She cried.

He pushed her forcefully onto her back and pulled her legs apart.

"I swear girl, if you don't push this baby out I'll kill you." He warned.

She cried from the pain, from the fear, but also because she wondered if him killing her was maybe the better option.

"Just do it. Please Lorna. I'm panicking myself here." Will admitted. "You don't want you baby to die do you?" He asked.

She shook her head. "N-no."

"Then push."


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