Chapter 11

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"What about school?" Lorna asked Daryl as she finished off the last of unevenly cooked beans.

He shrugged. "Still have to go but you stay in my sight at all times. They might wait outside for us. So we will have to arrive early and leave late." Daryl said.

Lorna nodded. "Alright but what if the teachers ask questions? What if my Dad has told them I've gone missing?" She asked, concerned.

"I already told you. They won't involve any authorities, they won't tell anyone we are missing because If they do, they will only be the ones getting into trouble."

"So why don't we just go to the police ourselves?" She asked confused.

"Because then they will put us into the foster care system. Do you want that?" He asked looking directly at her.

She pulled a face and shook her head.

"Exactly. We can do this." He said reassuringly.

"But what about when we run out of money? What if we do make it through the rest of school without them finding us?" She asked.

"I've already sorted everything, okay? Please trust me." He said as he reached out to take her hand but retracted it and sighed.

She noticed his hesitation so she reached out and took his hand. "I trust you." She whispered.

He smiled and squeezed her hand. "Good because I ain't going to let anything bad happen to you again." He said as he entwined their fingers together.

The night was cold even under the many blankets but they got through it. Daryl woke them early and showed Lorna to a creek. The water wasn't the cleanest and it was colder than the house at night but it was good enough to clean in with plenty of soap.

They washed together in their underwear quickly before drying off and changing.

"Wish I could dry my hair properly. It's going to be curly." Lorna sighed as they walked back to the house.

"You look fine, don't worry about it."

She smiled. "I'll try not too."

They arrived at school before majority of the teachers had turned up.

They made their way to the back of the school and kept hidden away from prying eyes outside the school and from the teachers.

"Are you going to be okay?" Daryl asked as he walked Lorna to her first lesson of the day.

She nodded.

"Wait out here for me and I'll walk you to your next lesson, okay?"

"You don't have to-"

"I do and I will, promIse you will wait."

"I promise." She whispered.

"Good, I-I'll see you in an hour."

She wasn't sure why but Lorna didn't want him to leave. She could feel the tears forming in her eyes as she fought of the urge to tell him not to leave.

"Come here." He whispered and pulled her into a hug, seemingly able to tell she was having an internal struggle with herself.

She held onto him tightly as she hugged back.

"One hour, okay?" He whispered.

She nodded. "One hour." She repeated before they finally pulled away.

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