Chapter 32

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"Daryl! I've been looking for you everywhere!" Rick called as he ran towards Daryl who was stood in front of his fathers house, leaning against his truck.

"What for?" Daryl asked, not taking his eyes off the house.

"Wanted to check you were okay."

"I'm fine." He mumbled.

"Are you?" Rick asked.

"No." Daryl's admitted.

"Look, Daryl, I don't mean to pry, but why do you have a crossbow in your truck?" Rick asked as he looks into the front of the truck.

"Hunting down an animal." He said through gritted teeth.

"Would that animal happen to be your father?" Rick asked and Daryl nodded.

"Do you know where he is?" Rick asked.

"Got a pretty good idea."


"I ain't telling you shit Grimes. Just go back to you happy little family and leave me the fuck alone."

"I can't do that." Rick said.

"And whys that?" Daryl hissed.

"Because you're not the only one out for revenge."

"What's that suppose to mean?" Daryl asked in confusion.

"My best friend killed himself because of that man. I want to help, or at least watch as he gets exactly what he deserves." Rick said, there was something in his eyes, determination and anger mixed. He really meant his words.

"You think you can handle it?" Daryl asked.

Rick nodded. "Yeah, I do." He stated.

"Could get caught."

"It's a risk I'm willing to take." He stated.

"If the pretty boys coming. So am I." Another voice said. Merle appeared, coming from the front of the truck. "Heard what happened baby brother."

Daryl looked down at the ground.

"We going to teach this fucker a lesson or what?" He asked.

Daryl nodded and made his way to the drivers side.

"Come on pretty boy. Hop in." Merle ordered Rick.

The three all climbed into the truck.

"You know where you're heading?" Merle asked Daryl.

"Yeah, pretty sure he'll be at the cabin." Daryl explained.

"Yeah I was thinking the same." Merle nodded.

"Best get going then. You all ready?" He asked.

"Yeah." Merle and Rick said simultaneously.

Lorna laid in silence as doctor after doctor entered and left the room after briefly checking her vitals.

She was just waiting for Daryl to walk through that door and make everything okay again. She had missed him more than anything and even through all that happened, she just wanted him, by her side, holding her tightly.

She didn't want to think about her experience at Mr Dixon's house, she didn't want to think about the tiny, cold, lifeless and fragile body she had held in her arms for three days. She just wanted to forget it all, but only Daryl could help her with that.

The door opened once again and a nurse appeared. "You have a visitor.." She said.

"Who?" Lorna asked.

"It's your father."

Lorna hesitated slightly. Apart of her never wanted to see him again, but another wanted to make him see what he had caused, the true pain of what his action had made.

"Okay." Lorna replied.

The nurse disappeared again and within moments the door opened again.


"Don't call me that." She hissed.

Blake nodded to himself and entered the room, standing in the far corner of the room where she could see him, but where he could make a quick escape if needed.

His eyes scanned over his daughter. Not in the sick way he once had, his eyes were full of sadness, guilt and regret.

"I'm sor-"

"No you're not." She interrupted him.

"I am Lorna. I can't believe what I've done to you. What I caused."

"I can." She stated.

He bowed his head in disappointment with himself. "Please hear me out." He pleaded.

She looked over at him and nodded briefly.

"I am sorry for what I did. I have no excuse for my actions, I'm still not sure why I did what I did to you, why I allowed these things to happen. I shouldn't have. I'm your father, I'm the only family you have left and I abused you in the sickest ways. I know you will never forgive me and I don't expect you to, but please know that this guilt will be with me until they day I die. I will never forgive myself."

She stayed silent, just staring at him, wondering if he really meant his words.

"You're right. I won't ever forgive you, I hope you burn in hell, I hope you feel this pain someday. I'm you're daughter, you should have taken care of me and protected me, you should never have touched me the way you did, you should never have laid a single finger on me. You're a disgusting excuse for a human being and Mom would be turning in her grave knowing what a disgusting man you have become, but there is something you're wrong about. You're not my only family. I have Daryl...he's been there and that...that's because of you and Mr Dixon, you brought us together and for that, I'm actually thankful." She wiped her tears. "Because I love him and he loves me. He shows me the real meaning of love, he cares and he protects me. He is my family and he is all I will ever need."

"If I could do anything for you to make this right I would."

"There is not a single thing that will make this right, but there is something you can do for me, that's if you don't want to be packed of to prison for your crimes."



What do you think Lorna has in mind?

Just to make things clear, she has not forgiven her father and never will, more on that later.

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