PMH3: My Mate. 13

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“So you’ve spoken about me To Teagan?” Max said to me, as I make my self a hot chocolate; shrugging to his question. “What did you say?” Max said, wrapping his arms around my waist. I couldn’t help but lean back so my back was against his chest.
“I just told her about you, I told her about a few others aswell.” I said to him, he sighed and kissed my neck.
“You really do make me feel special.” He said, sarcastically. Ignoring I jumped up on one of the high chairs that surrounded a counter.
“Max… You do realise with this.. bond.” I began, not wanting to sound stupid, even though I already did. Max’s eyebrow rose at the way I said it, andpaused. “Youll have to meet my family… the pack.”I said to him, wondering what Uncle Skylar’s reaction would be. He wasn’t all too pleased with wolfs, just because he has had problems with them before.
“I know.” He said with a smile.
“Arent you worried?” I asked him. He laughed.
“No, Ryan sweetheart, I have been meeting packs for years. The only difference is, Ill have a bond with this as they’ll be partly my pack aswell.” He said, kissing my forehead quickly. I sighed.
“Our packs are going to have to meet.” I said in a sigh, he smiled proudly and when I lifted an eyebrow in wonderment, he just carried on the conversation.
“They will. But not straight away. We can do it bunches. We have forever.” He said to me. I nodded at this.
I guess we did have forever.


“Have you seen Owen anywhere?” I asked Chase who looked up from kissing Teagan’s neck, when he heard my voice. Chase was smiling and he looked happy.
“I have, I saw him five years ago…” Chase said, trying to be funny. Rolling my eyes at this I crossed my arms and waited. He sighed, with a smile. “How cute, you still do it after all those years. He’s out the back, doing some moving of heavy objects,” Chase said with a laugh when Teagan yelped when he hit her bum as she moved around the room.
I smiled in thanks and went out to back to see Owen, lifting some wood into a truck. I don’t know why but hey. I couldn’t help but slightly drool as I got closer and realised he was topless. And it was a great view. “Lory.” He said with a smile, but still moving logs and wood. “What do I owe this pleasure?” He said giving me a wink. I laughed slightly.
“I was wondering if tonight you wanted to watch a film and that; like we use too?” Lately we had been so busy with Chase, Teagan, and everything; we havent had us time. He grinned at this.
“Yeah that sounds good. We can pop to the shop and get some things?” I nodded, I was really craving chocolate and marshmellows. He smiled and lifted one more and placed in truck then rubbed his hands on his black tracksuit bottoms. “Come on.” He said, wrapping his arm around my hsoulders, I couldn’t help but blush as I felt his skin pressed up against me. He noticed and stopped just outside our room.
“Why are you blushing?” I shook my head, not wanting to tell him. He grabbed my chin, crowding me against the wall. “Why?”
“I just.. I like your body.” I said in a soft quiet voice. I looked up to see his eyes had changed.
“Well that’s good.” He said in a hard voice, then moved away walking into the room. I got confused why he suddenly pulled away but I didn’t ask because he had already put a top and took my hand, pulling me back downstairs.
We went to the shop, we decided Tesco’s was best as they have quite good deals. “What do you want?” Owen asked me, as we stopped just at the entrance.
“Chocolate, marshmellows and some fizzy drink.” I told him, he smiled at this and nodded .
“Okay well I want some doritos, dip and some cookies. So we each our items and meet at the checkout?” I nodded and we both went our separate ways.
I managed to get my items with some search when I noticed he was already at one of the check outs. Smiling over at me, I placed my stuff on the little conver belt. He was talking to the cashier whose name was Meg. “So I havent seen you around here before. But ive only been working here for a few days.”
“Ahh, well welcome to the job.” Owen said with an easy smile.
“Yeah, I recently just broke up with my boyfriend…”
“Owen, I got two packs, is that okay?” I asked talking about the marshmellows, he smiled at me with a nodd.
“Oh, how nice of you! Babysitting!” She said smiling. “I use to do that but then managed to get a job, what did you do?” I was shocked that she genuienly believed he was babysitting me. Owen’s eyebrows went up at this.
“im…” The woman, who was obviously the manger had brown hair cut into a bob, told her to wrapp it up.
“That will be 8.79 please.” She said, holding out her hand. Owen handed it over without another word, picked everything up and we headed back to the car. He palced everything in the boot before I spoke.
“Babysitting? Are you?!” I said worried about it. I am three years younger then him, what if he feels that im too young to be his mate. “do you feel that?” I asked him. He laughed at this.
“If I thought I was babysitting would I kiss you and things like that?” I stared at him for a few moments  then sighed.
“Good point.” Then I smiled as I got an idea. Stepping forward I placed my hands on his cheeks and kissed him. It was different as I was leading It and it was getting quite hewated. He gently niped my lip, getting me to open so it could be alittle more heated. He gently pressed me up against the car, so I could feel the coolness of it on my back. His hands were on my waist, and he slipped on at the back down my trousers to rest on my bottom. It didn’t bother in fact it gave me confidence to slip a hand up the back of his top so my arm and his back were skin to skin.It felt like I was at home. We pulled away and we were both breathless.
“Lets get home.” He said, giving me a quick kiss and hussling me into the car.
We got home and set the film up which I don’t what it was as I wasn’t in the mood anymore. I was standing up and had just finished pouring the drinks into glasses, when I felt him pressed up against my back. He gently started to kiss up my neck. “Oowen.” I said in a shakey breath, he stopped and stepped back. “Too far?” I shook my head.
“No. Not enough.” I said blushing him. “What has changed?” I asked him, stepping away so we could both think.
“We’ve known each other for ages, right? The bond has suddenly hit as its had to been hidden all this time.” He said ina  rush, it didn’t make that much sense but I understood what he said. He caught my hands and kissed each finger, “Im sorry. We can block it, if youre not ready.” He whispered to me, looking at my eyes. I shook my head.
“I am ready.”  He oulled me closer with the hold on my hands and gently kissed me.  It was slow, and tender. No tongues. He caught my bottom lip between his teeth. I opened for him he kissed me again and slipped his tongue in, no hestataion just all in. His hands gently went to the booom of my top, his fingers wrapping around the edges, he pulled away and asked if it was okay. I slowly nodded and lifted my arms up for him. He pulled it over my head, slowly. His eyes went to my chest but not for long.  In those few seconds he looked there though, I saw lust, love and appreciation. Things I wanted to see in his eyes. “You’re beautiful” he said eyes on my face.
I blushed, smiling softly he brought our faces together again. We moved towards the bed and he gently pushed me on the bed, him falling on top of me; I didnt feel the weight. However I felt his body pressed up against mine. We gently kissed for a while, and suddenly we were naked. Then he said those words. “My mate.”

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