PMH: Rogue Love 8

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"I really should be going home" I whispered into his neck. We were laying on his bed just talking, holding each other.

"Mhhmmm" he said simply kissing my forehead. I sighed and snuggled in closer.

"I should really leave soon" I mumbled again, I should. But I wanted to stay here in the warmth with Chase.

"Stay here" he said to me "I can drop you off" he said.

"I cant" I said feeling sad that I had to leave.Then it clicked. I was never like this; guys had never got my attention and then he comes and I just... No way. He cant be my mate?! Can he?! Im 16! I don't want to mate right now?! I cant. "Umm can you drive me home?" I asked him sitting up; meaning pulling away. I needed to think about it.

"Sure angel" he said to me, sitting up and not touching me. Maybe he knows? I sighed and smiled my thanks and got up ready to leave to go home.


Lying in my bed looking at the ceiling was always fun. Sarcasm. Tai had walked off after dropping me and Ryan off here havent seen since.He was annoying! His moods!

I rolled over to my side and stared at the creamy coloured wall, he was a were. I've only known him a couple of days and Im living in his house with a bunch of were. Dear god what the hell am I doing? He could hurt me why the hell am I here! I quickly sat up and saw my bag that I had used to get some of my stuff, I quickly got it and dumped stuff in there. Im going home. I need too! How I am going to explain that Ive moved in with a guy I met in the forest when he was naked? Oh and hes a shifter!

Quickly I headed downstairs watching out for Tai as I made ny way, quietly I opened the door, seeing a car with Chase and Teagan in, I quickly rushed out. No one noticed. Im a nobody.

Shaking my head at the thought I rushed through the forest not knowing here Im going but I carried on when I heard a feral growl, slowly I turned around to see a jaguar a yellowish golden one.I stood there frozen watching it. It just stood there it looked like it was grinning at me. When a big black blur jumped across my view of the yellowish jaguar, the black one let out a low growl. A warning. The yellow one growled back and then walked off. I was frozen.

I knew I had to leave now, so I quickly turned away while the black jag watched the other walk away; when suddenly a growl came out, I looked over my shoulder to see that the black jag was glaring at me.

it glared; stay.

Then walked off and headed towards a few trees and then came back in the form of Tai. Oh fun.

"What the hell do you think you were doing?!" He asked me standing a metre a way.

"Ummm..." Was all I got out, his eyes dropped to the bag which was resting on my shoulder.

"Where are you going?" he asked me.

"Home" I said to him, knowing I would have to tell him straight.

"Why?" He asked me eyes still on bag.

"Because" I said to him, he crossed his arms.

"That is not a answer" he said to me staring intently. Rolling my eyes I replied "Oh and it is for you" he smiled slightly, then it was gone as quick as it came.

"Vi why are you going home?" he said to me.

"Because I want too" I replied to him, he sighed.

"Okay lets go" he said, like he was coming with me? He turned and was about to walk the way to my house when I spoke

"Where are you going?" he turned and looked at me like I was stupid.

"To your house" he said. Shaking my head I crossed my arms.

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