PMH: Rogue Love 12

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<P class=MsoNormal><B>TEAGAN:</B> <BR><BR>"Are you going to talk?" he asked me for like the 5th time, he had brought me too this little hotel room, where I was sitting on the bed not talking to him. "No? well arent you srubborn like your mother" a growl came out of me, and I turned to him.<BR>"Don't talk about her" I said, he smirked.<BR>"Ah, she talks!" he said to me, throwing his arms in the air. "Now look; Im not here to hurt you infact all I want is that Chase boy" he said to me. My eyebrows rose.<BR>"W-what? Why?" I asked him. <BR>"You see he is powerful, in all ways. I want him. I want my own pack and he would be a brilliant to have" he said to me, my mouth dropped opened. This is all for a new pack.<BR>"Who are you going to have... in this pack?" I asked him, he smiled.<BR>"Ive made some friends these last 16 years." He said to me. I nodded, he wouldve of. I have a feeling Xander was a <I>specail </I>person. <BR>"Okay" I said to him, thinking about how to leave. "Then why swap me for my mum?" I asked him. <BR>"Youre his mate, and a wolf will never leave his mate behind." <BR>"H-have you got a mate?"I asked him, then I knew it was a mistake. His eyes glowed and he was sitting right next to me now, mouth at my ear.<BR>"Not everyone can have a happy ending." He whispered in a low but pained voice. <BR>"Why do you hate my mum?" I asked, he moved away to pace around the room. <BR>"I do not hate your mum, infact I quite like her. I hate the person she is with." Then he stopped and looked at me with an evil smile.<BR>"I think im going to get my happy ending after all." He said to me, and somehow I knew, <B><I>I knew,</I></B> this wouldn't be good. Not at all.<BR><BR><B>Violet:</B> <BR>"God!" Tai shouted. "How could we let that bastard get her!" <BR>"We didn't, she swapped to save her mum Tai" Mikey said, hugging Anna to his-self, nuzzling her neck. <BR>"She knows what she's doing" Chase said to the whole room. Everyones eyes turned towards him. "She's a smart girl, and she wants to know information that's what she lives for. We WILL get her back, none of you have to worry. But Im going alone" he said to us.<BR>"Oh no youre not!" Tai said to him. "This is my sister, my uncle, my pack. My responsiblilty." He said to Chase. IT was the wrong thing to say by the look on Chase's face. <BR>"She is my MATE." Chase said so low. "My job. My MATE." He said to Tai, walking over to him. "I will get Teagan out, whether I have your '<I>permission' </I> or not. I understand you love her, and want to protect  her, do you not think I want the same thing? The thing is we're protecting her from different things. You're protecting from her mate; and yes I do kill, but I WOULD never touch a hair on her head. You overprotectiveness will only take you so far; I almost lost her once, and I will not lose her to you and your stupid thoughts again." Chase said, in a low voice that had shivers down everyones back. Tai glared and let out a small growl. <BR>"If you hurt her, even one tear comes out of her about you. I swear to go I will kill you." Tai warned him, Chase and Tai looked at each other and I think they came to an understanding. <BR>"I'll let you" Chase promised.</P>

<P class=MsoNormal>Everyone started to leave the kitchen, Taylor and Sky... I mean Tai's parents, wanting some time alone. Mikey and Anna thought it would be best to leave, Ryan was asleep on the settea and her parents; Stuart and Eliza needed to get home for the little one. So it was just me and Tai in here. <I>Alone. </I> <BR>"Im sorry.." I said to him, he looked at me arms crossed waiting. <BR>"Its not your fault." He said to me, I nodded and looked around the room in awkwardness. "Vi, come here please" he said, I looked over at him to see his arms opened and his eyes were pained. Sighing in content I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him. His arms went straight around me and he buried his face into my neck, gently kissing it. I just hugged him, giving him what he needed. <BR>After a few minutes he pulled away from my neck and gently kissed the corner of my lips. "I love you" he whispered, I smiled slightly. Bending forwards I kissed him gently. <BR>"Come on." I said taking his hand and pulling him upstairs. <BR><BR><B>Ryan: (you know her cousin...)<BR><BR></B>I opened my eyes, once I knew Tai and Vi had gone upstairs. I saw Chase was sitting one th arm chair staring off into the distance. <BR>"She loves you" I said to him. <BR>He looked at me and nodded "I Know. Ry you'll find yours in time" he said to me, I was alittle surprised that he knew that. I was jealous of Tai and Teg, they had theres. I havent, im surrounded by mates and I havent got one. I know I will find mine, but I cant help it. I want mine now. <BR><BR><EM>Author Note: <BR>Thankyou to those messages. Means alot. You know who you are. <BR>this is short I know, but Im having trouble with this story but Im okay with this one. Its okay ish. <BR><STRONG>Vote Comment. Fan. <BR></STRONG></EM></P>

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