PMH3: My mate. 2

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I was sitting in my bedroom, thinking about Ryan deciding to email her instead of ringing her I got my laptop out and started to send her an email.
Hey Ryan,
Just thought I sent you an email, to check in with you. Even though its only been a day I miss you! Everything is fine down here.
Meet anyone new done there? ;) Chase said that their might be a few unhappy faces that a jag was there but I know youll be fine with them. You always are. I miss you, and Im always here.
I know you left because I have found my mate and so have Tai but that didn't mean you had to leave but I get why. I don't love you any less for that, infact I love you more.. for having the courage to leave your home to find who you are, your mate. Im sure you'll find what your looking for. Im gonna try and convince dad to let me go up and visit you... Of course with Chase. We can spend some girly time together? I know we havent done that in a while.
Love you.
T x

Sending it too her I waited a reply.

A full day had past here and I miss my family already. I knew I had to check in with Teagan and I wanted to see Max, silly I know. I made my way to his office and knocked gently on the door.
"Come in..." he answered I expected him to be alone but instead there was a beautiful women with orange hair. Im not joking bright orange hair, she was pretty and looked like a pixie.
"Oh. I was just coming to see if I can borrow your computer..." I said to him, he smiled and guestered for me to come in.
"Of course you can, help your self." He said to me, I nodded my thanks and took a seat at his desk. Trying to ignore the looks I was getting as I noticed there was a nother guy there he had brown hair and his arm was wrapped around a women.
Checking my emails I noticed I had one from Teagan, opening it I read it then replied..
I miss you too! You know that the time doesn't make a difference to us! Im glad everything is fine down there. Mum and Dad okay? And baby bro?
Hahaha, I met a few nice people. Theres like three hotties! Owen who is a countrified sweetie but he's taken by a sweet girl named Rory, shes actually lovely. Theres Matt who has some history Im guessing. He's okay though... But I think I have a crush on Max. DO NOT TELL CHASE. But Max might be my mate. Im really not sure. I don't know what its suppose to feel like.
How did you know he was your mate?
There is a few... shady people but everyone here has a backround story like I said, but I havent spoken to any of them.

Im glad you understand I don't want to lose you because I left. I didn't do it because I couldn't stand to see you happy, I did it so I could find my own happiness. If that makes sense? :/
Just because Im here and youre all the way over there doesn't mean I cant whip some butts. Keep that in mind Chase :P
Love you tooo,

I was happy that Teagan understood why I left. She is like a sister to me.
"Thanks" I said to Max looking over at him and the others.
"Everything okay with Teagan?" he asked me, I had told him last night about my worries that Teagan wouldn't understand why I left, he reasurred that she would though- which she did.
"Yupp. She understands." I said to him. The guy with light brown hair cleared his throat, Max looked at him and smiled shaking his head.
"Ryan I would like you too meet Asher, his mate Faith" he said guestering to the couple, I smiled my hello. "And this is Juleen" he said about the pixie lady.
"Hey" I said to her, feeling jealousy. This women was pretty, no she was a beauty with her pixie eyes that were an odd colour but made her face light up, she smiled and I saw her perfect teeth.
"Hello! I have heard a lot about you!" she said to me, getting up and heading over to me, I knew I had to get up so I did and she pulled me into a hug. Stiffly I pulled away; that didn't bother her at all though. "Its finally good to see that Max has found his ma..."
"Jules" Asher said with a shake of his head, she looked at me then at Max and stopped.
"Oh..." she said to me. I smiled at her.
"Its um... fine. So are you a pixie?" I asked her, she looked at me and laughed.
"Oh no my dear Im a fairy" she said to me like it was obvious.
"Cool, can you fly?" I asked her, she smiled and took my arm pulling me down to sit next to Max and her so I was in the middle.
"No I cant. But I can teleport" she said with a cheeky grin.
"Awesome" I said to her grinning back. "Can you take others with you?" she laughed at my wiggling my eyebrows.
"Actually I can" she said to me. I grinned even wider.
"Can you teleport me too Italy? Ive always wanted to go.." I trailed off remembering when dad would tell me stories of his time in Italy where he met Mum for the first time. She smiled at me.
"I like her" She whispered looking at Max, he smiled.
"I like her too.." he said I looked at him to find he was staring at me. I didn't look away from those eyes I couldn't. I was trapped.
"I think I should go get Rory" Owen said entering the room not even bothering knocking. Max and I quickly looked away from each other too.
"Why? Where is she?" Max asked him worry now in his voice. I patted his leg in comfort.
"Owen is just annoyed" I said, Max looked at me.
"Why is that?" he asked me.
"Well you see Rory is on a date" I said to him, he smiled slightly.
"That is it?" he asked me, I nodded with a smile. He shook his head then turned towards Owen.
"Why do you want to go pick her up?" he asked to Owen, who sighed and crossed his arms.
"We don't know the kid, she could be in trouble." He said to Max. I shook my head in amusement.
"Im sure she will be fine" Max said to him.  Owen's face didn't change, which caused Max to sigh. "Ring her if youre that worried."
"NO!" I raised my voice. "Don't do that" I said.
Owen looked at me like I was crazy. "Why is that?"
"Because you'll ruin her date having an overprotective baboon ringing to check up on her" I explained to him, Owen's eyes narrowed.
"I think we should go." Asher said and they left but not before Jules kissed my cheek telling me to get her number off Max. Which I promised her that I would.
"Im gonna ring her" Owen said walking over to the phone but me not thinking about what I was doing I tackled him to the floor. It was hard considering his height and weight but I managed. He looked up at me like I was crazy, and I got up and ran over to the phone which was luckily a non wired one, and ran over to Max who was laughing. Owen sat up and glared at me.
"Give me that phone!" he said to me I shook my head at that and laughed. He smiled evily then jumped up and chased me round the room, and somehow I had tripped on the carpet and I literally flew across the room as I landed in Max's lap with a little omphh from him. I looked up at him between my lashes and he was staring down at me with amusement and adoration in his eyes.
"Hey.." I said to him, he smiled at me.
"Aha!" Owen said getting the phone from my hand he smiled cheekily then started to dial. I scowled at him, which Max laughed and tapped my nose.
"If the wind changes your face will stay like that" he said with amusement, I rolled my eyes and poked my tongue at him causing him to laugh. I stared at him then shook my head and listened to Owen.
"Rory! Are you okay?" he asked into the phone. "Yeah... okay." He said and hung up.
"She's at the door" he answered our unspoken question. He didn't say anything but left the room leaving me and Max. I tried to get off his lap but he wouldn't let me.
"Why do you wanna go to Italy?" he asked me, waiting for me to look at him. I decided to tell him.

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