PMH2:Rogue Love 7

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I hated that I left her, crying but she didn't expect me to leave her when she was so upset; when I knew she was asleep I sneaked into her bed room, watching her sleep, she was beautiful and I had made her cried. One promise: to never make her cry again.

*Two days -Monday-*

It's been two days since I saw him; he came round to talk to dad but I went round Ryan's. I didn't want to see him. I had only known him a week but still I wanted him with me! Glad it was the end of the day I saw Chris and his gang waiting where Tai's car normally would be. Sighing I made my way over there.

"Hey Teagan" he said to me, stepping away from his friends.

"Go away Chris" I said to him, crossing my arms. "I'm not in the mood."

"No. Look I want to say Im sorry for how rude and what an ass Ive been these years" he said to me, I was surprised but nodded.

"Its fine, I guess youre forgiven?" I said to him in a question he grinned, and turned to his friends winking.

"Good so now I can do this" he said as he grabbed my arms and pulled me towards his chest hardly, pushing his lips to mine bruisly.

"Stop" I mumbled, struggling agaist his hold, he wrapped his arm around my waist putting his hands on my bum. I yanked my face away. Even though I had strenght of a were he was strong. "Let go of me Chris"

"No! If that ass can get to sleep with you at least let me have a go!" he said to me. "We don't mind sharing."

"Let go off her" Ryan's voice came out deadly.

"Hahaha look guys its Miss Emo. You can have you go in a minute" I heard a growl and knew Ryan was loosing it. One thing to piss her off; taking a women's rights away.

"Take your hands off her" My brothers frightening tone said from behind Chris. Chris slowly let go. Tai was a scary guy when it came to the ones he loved. Tai stepped forward and I notcied Chris's friends had ran; clever them. Violet was standing there watching Tai with fear in her eyes. Tai stepped forward and punched Chris right in the face; you could here the crack of the nose bone. He didn't stop at one punch, he punched over and over and Chris let him. You had too it was easier safer believe it or not.

"Tai stop it" Violets soothing voice said, stepping closer to him and placed her hand on his raised fist. "Look at her" she whispered, and Tai looked at me watching me. I must have looked as scared as I felt. He sighed and took a step back letting his hand drop, but Violet slipped her hand in his and you could see he was surprised but he didn't complain he squeezed it holding it tight and close.

"Get in" he said to me and Ryan who had her arm wrapped around my waist now.



You could see he was steaming, but I couldn't let him finish that guy. He was holding on to my hand with dear life at the moment, you could see he was using it to help him control his anger.

"I want to go to Chase's" Teagan's voice said from the back, Tai looked over at her.

"Teg" he said in a sigh.

"I need too" she whispered. I looked at Tai then at her you could see it she was scared and felt weak she didn't want anyone to see her like that apart from Chase.

"Let her go" I whispered to him, knwoing that Ryan and Teagan could hear. He stared at me for a while and nodded.


He dropped me off outside I knew he wasn't happy about it but I needed to talk to him. I had too.I owed Violet one, I thought as I headed to his front door.Knocking lightly I waited for a while but no one answered, confused to where he was I took a seat on the doorstep, and waited for him.

About 35 minutes of waiting I saw him coming in my view.

"Angel?" he asked holding some shopping bags.

"Hey" I whispered to him, voice breaking. He looked shocked but a fierce look came on to his face.

"Let's go inside and you can tell me what happened" I nodded and held a hand out to take a bag, he ignored the hand and opened the door telling me to go inside first.

We went into his kitchen as I watched him unpack the shopping he got, eggs, and bread milk things like that. Sighing I jumped up onto the counter, watching him knowing he wouldn't let me help as I asked earlier.

"What happened?" he asked me, as he turned on the oven he was making us dinner; pasta and cheese.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked him, he sighed turning to face me, once he had put the water to boil.

"I was going to tell you but I wanted a chance with you before you ran" he said to me, sighing I crossed my arms. I didn't deny I wouldn't have run because I did. Pushed him out the door and cried and hide for the past two days.

"Chase" I whispered, feeling loads of emotions hit me. Stepping closer to me he brushed his fingers down my face.

"What happened angel, what happened to make you come here?" he whispered.

"Chris" I whispered knowing I would have to tell him, his eyes glowed. "He kissed me and grabbed me it wasn't a lot just scared me" Chase was growling slightly, "Its fine though Tai took care of him" The growling didn't stop, and Chase started to draw away, but I placed my hand over his heart. He stopped moving, but looked me in the eye. "Im sorry Chase" I whispered to him. "I'm not used to having a guy like me; especially one like you. You change the way I think, thought.

"He hurt you?" he asked me, stepping closer. Shaking my head I slid to the end, I should be mad at him but I cant be.

"No, more scared me" he sighed wrapping one arm around while bringing the other hand to brush his thumb over my lips, his eyes were on my lips. Leaning forward I kissed him, he was shocked but kissed me back. Pulling me closer to his chest, his hand holding my face to his, we kissed each other untill we heard the bubbling noise coming from the pan.

He pulled away slowly, and poured the pasta in the pan then came back to me.

"Where were we?" he asked with a smirk, bringing his lips back to mine.


Going fast I know. But Im trying to finish all my stories now so I can start fresh! but this isnt the end! trust me...! :D


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