PMH3: My mate.

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"Max Ive missed you," A female voice said, to him. I was standing outside his door which was slightly ajar. I froze.
"Imogen.." Max said in a sigh. I saw a brunette leaning into Max and I pushed the door just in time too see her lips on his.

"Oh...I..." I managed to get out. They both looked over at me and Max quickly stood up.
"I umm just came in too ask if I could use your computer. But I see youre busy, so Ill um just come back later." I said to him. Not looking him in the eye. The idea of him and that women kissing breaks my heart.
"It's fine. We werent doing anything.." He said.
"Speak for yourself." Imogen mumbled, she was looking at me with a glare.
"Didn't look like it." I said outloud even though I hadnt meant too, Max sighed.
"Imogen..." he said her name. "Will you please leave?" he asked her.
"But Max..." she said to him.
"Leave!" he almost shouted. I looked up to see surprise on the women's face. I didn't know who she was or care.
"Max, we need to talk." She said to him.
"No we don't. I said all I needed to say last time Imogen. I cannot give you what you want." He said to her. Imogen hmphed.
"Yes you can. You just don't want too," she said and walked past me. "Ill ring you later Max when we can talk calmly." She said, I scoffed at that. Aher head whipped round to me and narrowed, but she didn't say anything.  
Once she left me and Max just stood in silence until I couldn't take it anymore, turning to leave. I suddenly felt a hand grab my wrist. "Ryan?" he said gently. I turned to look over my shoudler. "Imogen was... That kiss was nothing."
"It wasn't nothing. Not to her." I said to him.
"The kiss meant nothing to me." He corrected. I didn't say anything just pulled my wrist from his grasp. The door was a bit far as I hadnt realised I had took some steps into the room. I was about to open the door so I could when his hand stopped it and I could feel his breath on my neck.
"You wanted to use the computer?" he asked me, I shook my head.
"It can wait." I said to him. He sighed and lifted his other hand to stroke my cheek.
"Ryan, let me explain." He whispered to me. Begged me. I made the mistake by looking up at him and saw in his eyes was pain and sadness. I couldn't bare to see those emotions in his eyes. I couldn't speak with him so close so I nodded. He gently took my hand and pulled me down on the couch. He sat so his body was facing mine, my hand still in his.
"Imogen is a business partner." He said. "She has worked for me for 2 years and about 5 months ago she started to show interest in me. I didn't show any back until Owen convinced me there was nothing wrong with talking and getting to know her. So I started to talk to her, and eventually we went on a date. It was nice but I didn't feel anything for her, I told her that. She understood and left me alone for a bout a week then one evening we were working late and she kissed me, I was shocked and lonely. And well we... Im guessing you know." He said looking at me, his thumb rubbing  across my knuckles. I nodded, I understood loud and clear. "After it happened I think she expected something more but I spoke to her and said I couldn't be with her and such.. she didn't take it too well and left the company which I think is for the best. She came here tonight saying she had a business deal. Imogen is an excellent employee- so I agreeed to here her out but it wasn't  a business deal.. well I guess in a way it was." He said with a sigh. "But I said I wasn't interested and she kissed me..." he said waiting for me too say something.
"Okay?" I said, I couldn't think of anything else. He sighed.
"Ryan the night with her.. I would take it back if it would get that look out of your eyes... it was a mistake." He said to me.
"What look?" I asked him, curious. He smiled sadly and lifted his free hand to run his knuckles along my cheek bone.
"Like youre heartbroken." He answered. I sighed.
"Its all good and well but the thing is why would you do that when you could find youremate?" I asked him, he sighed and his hold my hand tightened.
"It's hard Ryan to see my friends, my pack to find their mates and I hadnt." Hadnt- pass tense. "I had given up on the idea of me finding my mate." He said to me. "Until you." He added softly. I looked up from our hands and saw love in his eyes.
"Max..." I whispered in a sad voice.
"I know sweetheart. I wont pressure you. I just need to be around you okay? I would like to get to know you?" he asked me, hope in his voice.
"I would like that." I said to him, he smiled at me. "How bout we watch a film?" I asked him. "We can get the pack and just watch a film together?" He smiled at me.
"I like that idea."

We had managed to get a few people-Sapphire, Matt to his dislike, a kid called Jamie and a few others who names I had forgotten.  We had decided to watch 'The Hang Over'. Everyone was getting settled. I was sitting next to Max, who had his arm drapped along the settea. He was sitting close but I was not complaining, I liked his body heat. He really was beautiful. He had strong cheekbones, a nose that was little big for his face but suited him. His eyes were amazing. His skin was a nicely natural slightly tanned colour that had me wanting to the rest of him and lick him.  I shivered at the idea, smiling. He turned his head and smiling, noticing I was staring I blushed and looked down. He chuckled softly and moved closer to me.  I gently raised one hand to grab his and pull it around me, it was a bold move. I saw Matt smile from the corner of my eye. Max didn't complain in fact he used the arm around me too pull him closer to me. I was pressed up to his side when Rachelle and Leon walked in. You could smell them on each other.
"Oh..." She said, looking around and she caught my eyes and I grinned at her.
"Had fun?" I asked her, she grinned back that smile of hers. Leon shook his head slightly amused.
"I had loads of fun. Did you talk?" she said, her eyes slid to  Max then back.
"I was right, I got hurt."I said to her, I shouldn't have said it because Max stiffened and looked at me, I couldn't meet his eyes after saying that so I stared at Rachelle who narrowed her eyes slightly.
"Hmm, you should tame him." She said to me cheekily. "Dogs like being tamed, don't they?"
I laughed slightly. "Yeah well Rach, are you a lap cat or a wild one?" she grinned but didn't answer, Leon smiled.
"She's both, one stroke and see goes all submissive." He said, I chuckled and what I found amusing is she turned and glared at him with her cheeks slightly flushed. He chuckled and beant down kissed her forehead.
"Don't worry I love you all the same." He said to her, I saw surprise in her eyes at that, I couldn't help but feel happy for her.
Everyone chuckled because Rachelle stood there not knowing what to say. "Shut up." She hissed at us and headed upstairs. I looked at Leon who sighed sadly.
"Leave her for a bit." Max suggested. I smiled up at him, but saw hurt in his eyes when he meant my look. I looked down from his gaze, he gently beant down when everyone' attention was back to the film kissed me on the cheek. I knew he wasn't going to let me go, but at the moment I was okay with that. I leant my head on his shoulder and started to watch the film.

 I was upstairs and Owen was sitting on my bed as I packed, we hadnt spoke about the bookshop and James. It broke my heart that he only thought as me as a friend.
"Is this okay to bring?" I asked holding up a shirt that was short sleeve.
"Yeah, bring a dress or two." He told me, I shurgged and didn't ask. Packing two dresses.
"Owen... what will your father think of me?" I asked him, holding a top in my hand playing with it as I looked down at it. One of my fears on this trip is his dad not liking me. Owen sat up and sighed grabbing my arms and pulling me to stand inbetween his legs so he looked up at me.
"Baby girl, he'll love you. Just like I do.." he said to me, I stared down at him and felt a few tears fall. He looked so confused, and pulled me to sit on his leg as he rocked me holding me. "Baby what's up?" he whispered in my ear. I pulled away from him enough to see his face and I did something stupid I gently leant forward and pushed my lips on his.  I pulled away shocked and he just sat there dumb locked.
"Im.. so sorry! I just..." I said. "Uh..."
He sat there shocked, I quickly ran into the bathroom; locking the door I closed my eyes and cried. I had kissed my best friend, because I was in love with him.

She had kissed me and ran away. She had ran away from me. Because I hadnt kissed back. She thinks I don't love her, I could see it in her eyes. I love her with all my heart, she's my mate. But how can I tell her that her big brother figure has fallen in love with her and wants to spend his entire life with her?
I gently opened the bathroom door, and saw she had fallen asleep. She had been crying for the last hour, I hadnt gone in to comfort her. I couldn't. Gently I picked her up, and walked over to her bed tucking her in. Turning the lights off I finsihed packing for her, while watching her sleep. Then I left. I could of stayed in there but it breaks my heart when I see her and she doesn't feel the same.

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