The Confrontation

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"Samar. You are back" I said jumping from my seat and running to hug him. But he did something unexpected. He stopped me.

"What is wrong Samar?" I asked him.

"What is wrong? You are asking me what is wrong. Oh come on Alia, we both know it."

I didn't understand a word of what he was saying.

"Don't act so dumb. I never pegged you to be a cheater, guess I was wrong."

"Samar, what are you implying? I don't get it."

"Oh, so you want me to say it out to you."

"Samar, please calm down. Take a seat, drink some water and let us just talk about this like adults."

"You want me to calm down after what I just witnessed? How low can you stoop Alia?"

I then realised what he was talking about. He might've seen Abhay. Oh, he was upset over such a silly matter.

"So, you saw what happened earlier, that is it huh?" I asked him calmly, smiling a little. But, he wouldn't look at my face.

"Oh, I am glad you are enjoying this. But you know what I didn't sign up for yet another heartbreak; I have had my share of those. This time I will have the upper hand." He said with a cruel smile.

"What do you mean?"

" I am breaking up with you Alia. I have seen enough to know this is the best decision for me."

"Samar, you don't understand. This is all just a misunderstanding. There is nothing going on between me and..."

Samar didn't let me finish.

"No, I don't want to know his name." He said.

"Samar, I don't have a clue what heartbreaks you were talking about earlier, but I assure you this is not one of those. Just listen to me."

"Oh, you want to know about my heartbreaks? I can tell you. But I wouldn't, because, I know you don't give a damn about me. Or else you wouldn't have done what you did today." He said and rushed out of my office.

Tears started flowing from my eyes without even me realising.

"Is everything alright Alia, I saw Samar leaving. He seemed angry?" Anjali said coming next to me.

"I don't know Anjali, he misunderstood. He thinks I am cheating on him with Abhay."

"What? That is absurd."

I cried hugging her.

"He is probably still in the building. I saw him take the stairs. Here take RD's personal elevator." She said giving me the key card.

I ran to the elevator and pressed the lobby button. As I exited the elevator, I saw him come down the stairs and pulled him with me to the nearest empty meeting room.

"Give me one chance to explain, please." I begged him holding onto his hand.

"Don't touch me." He sneered. I dropped his hand and took a step back.

"I don't have to listen to any of the made up stories you have to tell me. You are a writer and I know you would've thought about a way out of this situation before hand."

"Samar, just listen to me." I pleaded.

"No, you listen to me Alia. I first fell in love when I was thirteen. She was my best friend's sister. I thought she loved me too, in fact I know she loved me. But, I was scared of ruining my friendship with Vihaan. I couldn't tell her. I still hate it when I see her with her husband. I know she is happy, still I do feel a pang of jealousy when I see them together. I feel awkward when I am with them. I have tried to get over it. Even though I have come to terms with it now, in the beginning was very difficult. I was young and heartbroken and so I did the worst thing possible, I ran away. That was the worst mistake of my life."

He was crying and all I wanted to do was to console him; he was clearly in pain. I took a step closer to him and he moved backwards indicating he didn't want me to be any closer.

"I abandoned my mother when she needed me the most. She was all alone since I had cut off all ties from my friends. She was the only family I had left and I was hers. She spent her last days all alone longing to see her only son. Imagine my horror when I heard about her death from a neighbour of mine in an airport. I was a bad son. Fate was cruel to me but then I went back to my friends. They were always there when I needed them. I realised they were my family and moving away from them was a stupid thing to do. I tried to get over my first love and then I met you. I thought nothing could go wrong from now, but no. You had to go ahead and cheat on me. Why did you do that Alia? Why? Wasn't I good enough for you? You should've talked to me, I would've changed, been the way you wanted me to be."

"Samar, no. You are perfect the way you are. I don't want you to change. I in fact love you the way you are. It hurts me that I didn't know you were this broken from inside. You should've talked to me before about this. I never knew you liked Niveda. I never realised it was awkward for you to be around them. Liam or Niveda doesn't feel awkward."

"That is because they don't know. I never told them. Vihaan and the others know, but they didn't want to make things awkward, so no, they still don't know."

"Samar..." I took a step closer and received the same reaction.

"Alia, don't. I am done with you. I know what I saw. It is enough to hurt me for a lifetime. I am done."

"Samar, but you need to listen to me."

"What is it Alia? What is left for me to hear? I know what I saw. So please stay away."

"Not everything you see is true Samar."

"May be, maybe not. But I am done. There is nothing left for me here. Please don't bother me again Alia, I am done." He said and left me there to cry.

A few minutes later, I composed myself and went back to my office.

"Did you tell him? What did he say?" Anjali asked me when I entered.

"It is all sorted. I am leaving now. I need to go home early and get ready." I lied so that she wouldn't doubt me.

"Thank god for that."

"Alright then, enjoy the rest of your day."

I drove back home. I texted D I was tired and waned to rest and not to bother waking me up even for dinner. I just hoped that Anjali wouldn't contact D saying what happened in the office today.

As soon as I entered my room, the picture of me and Samar smiling into the camera greeted me. It was the one we took in Amsterdam. I turned it upside down before crying myself to sleep.


I was glad I didn't call the others saying I was back. I wanted a quiet night to myself and hence went home once I exited the RDF office. I know I wanted to confront her, but it ended up being me upsetting her. I do realise that I didn't give her a chance to explain herself and that was wrong. But I decided to sleep on it. Maybe I could talk to her tomorrow when I wasn't so pissed.

PS: Hope you like it

Do check out my other story Time Heals Everything... Almost (External link)

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