Clearing the air

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"So, I am going down now to face the press." Deepak said.

"And what exactly are you going to say?" Vihaan asked. Deepak seemed to be afraid of his employer. I mean Vihaan was a really soft-spoken person; I have never seen him get angry.

"Natasha Kapoor was in an accident earlier this morning. Her injuries are minor and she can go home as soon as the doctor approves."

"Well, don't tell her about the pregnancy."

"Sure, I won't."

"Actually, you won't need to. They already know." It was Rishabh who said that. He had switched on the television. We were all in Natasha's room. It was already ten past four and we were all visiting. The room was flooded with people including Rishabh's mom.

The whole gang was there minus Anya. She was taking care of the kids while Rishabh's mom visited Natasha. Vihaan had contacted Natasha's parents and informed about the accident. They insisted on coming, but he persuaded them saying they should come during the last months of her pregnancy.

"How did they know that?" Vihaan asked.

"I guess Anya and I are to blame. We weren't so discreet while we were re-filling the form." It was Samar who said that. He probably was going on about what he had thought and what actually happened while in the lobby.

"Well, I suggest we include that too now in the statement." Deepak said.


"Natasha Kapoor was in an accident earlier this morning. She and Vihaan Kapoor are expecting their second child. Both mother and child are safe and can go home as soon as the doctor approves."

"And what if they ask anything about the article on Samar and Alia?" Avantika questioned him.

"I'll refuse to answer that. You can swoop in." Deepak said clearly not impressed by Avantika's questioning.

"We don't need a fight here guys. Deepak just go now. Alia and I will get down in a few minutes." Samar said.

"So, Samar what are you going to say?"

"Avantika, I know what I am doing. You can hear it with them."

"I cannot allow that. I am your manager; I need to approve what you are going to say."

"It is not a big deal. I'll handle this one my way."

Samar seemed not in a mood to deal with Avantika and so she gave up.

"Are you ready?" He turned and asked me.

"I guess."

"Just stick with me. It'll all be good." I hoped he was right.

We walked hand in hand through the lobby. Deepak was talking with the reporters. "We will not be taking up any questions." He said and turned to walk back. Nobody followed him, mainly because of the tight security and secondly, they seemed interested in us.

"Samar Khan would like to make a statement." Avantika told them.

"I don't know where the news came from today morning, but Alia and I are still very much together."

"Samar, is it true that you had an affair with Niveda Preston?"

"It is not true." Samar said calmly.

"So, are you trying to say that whatever was published today was baseless?" A girl asked from the crowd.

"Of course not. Having a crush on someone you've known is not a crime. He had a crush on Niveda, things didn't work out. They moved on. Moreover, the thing that matters now is that both of them are happy." You guessed it right, it was me who answered.

"So, did Mr. Preston know about this?" It was a guy who asked the question this time.

"Yes he did. He has known for a while and he is okay because he knows his wife and his friend." Samar answered.

There was a commotion in the crowd and we turned around to see what was happening. Liam and Niveda were coming towards us.

"Can I?" Liam asked Samar pointing to the microphone.

"Be my guest." Samar said with an amused smile.

"So, hi. You guys might know me, if you don't then, I am Liam Preston. I am going to say this just once. I don't know what prompted you all to print whatever was printed in today's newspaper. All I know is that this is my family. I love my wife and I know she loves me too. If she even had something more than brotherly affections towards Samar, I am sure she wouldn't have married me. I knew Samar had feelings for Niveda when I met him for the first time, but he never acted on them. I had nothing to be concerned about. But, then he met Alia and I sensed a change in Samar. This is the woman he loves." He said pointing at me and continued.

"And it would be really great if you could just check the facts before printing anything and everything that you hear. That would be all."

"No more questions." Avantika said to the crowd in front of us.

"That was awesome." Samar said hugging Liam who was a bit taken aback. Who wouldn't be, I mean even I was shocked. This was the first time Samar had shown some closeness to Liam. They hardly spoke to each other even in the company of the whole gang. Maybe the Niveda thing was holding him back all these years after all.

We all returned to Natasha's room. The doctor wasn't pleased with the crowd that had gathered. But, he couldn't help it. There was two more hours of visiting left.

"How do you feel Ms. Kapoor?" The doctor asked.

"It pains at times, other than that I am mostly fine."

"That is a good thing then, we are ready to discharge you. Is that okay with you?" He said shocking us. Maybe he was so fed up of all of us that he was letting her go early. Rishabh's mom was now gone and Anya was back.

"I am ready whenever you are." She said. She was eager to get home. In her defence, who wouldn't be?

Manav and Diya left to get Nidhi and promised to meet us at Vihaan's place later. Vihaan went to finish off the formalities and Samar accompanied him. We helped her into the dress Anya had brought while Liam and Rishabh argued about something we didn't catch.

"Take it outside guys, sick lady here." Niveda said to her husband and Rishabh.

"I am not that sick, but I am sick of this." Natasha said pointing to the two men in the room.

"Done with the formalities, you ready to go home?" Vihaan said coming into the room.

"Always." Natasha said and he helped her out of the room. We all followed the couple to their home.

PS: Do heck out my Poem collections 'Hear Me Out' (External link)

Also check out Time Heals Everything...Almost

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