Part 2

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Part 2

Nothing like us

~Jen P.O.V~

When I saw uncle scooter I ran and gave him a big hug.

Scooter: Hi sweety I can't believe how big u are I remember you we're only 5 years old he starts laughing but I saw u 2 summers ago and you were only 16 now ur 17 turning 18 tomorrow and I missed you.

You see it's summer and my birthday is June 23 so we just started summer ima be a senior this year anyways.

Me:hi uncle scooter I said laughing I missed u too.


~At the house~

~None P.O.V~

Scooter: hey Alfredo I see u met justin so where's Jen.

Alfredo:Idk I think unpacking

Scotter:Never mind she right there.


~Jen P.O.V~

Scooter: Jen come over here please.

I walk over to scooter and Alfredo and I see justin and I get butterfly's

Me:Hey uncle scooter,Hey fredo


Scooter:Sweety this is

I cut him off

Me: I know this justin bieber hi I'm Jennifer but you can call me Jen (smile)

Justin:Hi (smile)

He was so hot with his white v neck shirt and skinny jeans.


~Justin's P.O.V~

When I saw Jennifer she was so freakin beautiful with that blue eyes and and light brown hair she was perfect I would love to get to know her.

Me:so are u a fan

Jen: Well more like a belieber (kind of blushing)

Me:that's cool (smiling)


~none P.O.V~

Fredo:Well ima go unpack and head to bed I haven't slept in 48 hours so goodnight.

Me,Jen,and scooter:goodnight

Scooter:Jen me and ur dad are going out of town for a few days so justin will watch u guys.

Jen:Ok but isn't fredo the oldest

Scooter:Ya but justin will still be watching u guys.

Jen:ok but we just got here and u are taking my dad out of town.

Scooter:I wanna let ur dad get away from the stress and stuff u no but you'll be fine.

Jen: ok when are u going to leave

Scooter:like now your dad is in the car so ima go watch them good justin I love u Jen.

Justin:ok I will (laughing)

Jen:I love you too bye


~Jen P.O.V~

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