Part 8

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Part 8

Nothing like us

~Justin's P.O.V~

We all got in the car and we drove to go eat at this really nice Restaurant it was Italian food when we got there they sat us at a table there were lots of paparazzi outside but they closed the whole section where we were sitting so no one can bother us but I love my fans so I wouldn't care if the came and talked to me and the way my family loves Jen is so special it really is I love her I don't no how to express my love for her like really I don't.

Jen:babe you sleeping over tonight

(She whispered)

Justin:ya baby

(I whispered back)

We all ate and we went to the mall and we walked around for a while

After a few hours past and I dropped my family home and I grabbed cloths and we went to Jens house.


~Jens P.O.V~

We went back to my house and me and Justin were watching tv and then on E! News said Justin Bieber and a mystery girl greeting some fans at the mall mmmm what do you think she is his girlfriend or is she just a friend let us no on E!

I turned off the tv and looked at Justin.

Justin:ugh I hate how they get in my life I just hate it yes I'm a pop star big deal I'm normal like everyone else yes I love my fans to death but in reality I am a normal human being and I am normal like any other kid I just ugh.

Me:Babe it's ok those people don't no the real you and you are normal and I know you love your fans just ignore them and I also hate how they are getting into your life but its ok baby.

I kiss him and then I go up stair to change into my pjs.

Me:Babe Ima go to bed you coming

Justin:ya let me change

Justin changed in to his pjs he wore a white tank top and some sweats and then he came and laid next to me.

Me:Baby I love you with all my heart I really want to spend the rest of my life with you

Justin: I love you too and I do to

We kissed and we fell asleep

~next morning~

Nothing Like Us (Justin Bieber Fan Fic.)Where stories live. Discover now