Part 12

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Part 12

Nothing like us


~Justin's P.O.V~

I'm going to talk to Jen because I am going on tour and I want her to come with me.

Me:babe lets talk outside


We walked outside

Me:well I'm going on tour next week and I wanted to no if you wanted to come with me

Jen:wow I'm happy for you but I just can't leave my dad and brother

Me:no you don't have too I asked If they wanted to go on tour and the said yes


We kissed and she hugged me


~Jens P.O.V~

After me and Justin talked I ran upstairs to see if dahlia has her stuff here but she didn't I tried to text her and everything but she won't answer it's like loosing a family member it sucks and then my phone ringed


??:hi is this Jennifer Braun

Me:yes who's this

??:This is for dahlia Villanueva

Me:yes she's not here

??:I know I'm a doctor she's in the hospital

Me:OMG what happened

??:well she has cancer and its getting bad she's had it for a few months she said

Me:I'm on my way

I hung up and left to the hospital with dad ,Bella ,Justin and Fredo and I ran into dahlias room


Dahlia:Hi (weak smile)

Me:Why didn't you tell me

Dahlia:this summer is supposed to spend time with my best friend the doctor told me I have a few months to live that's why I came to see you to spend 2 months with you and 2 months with my family I may go anytime now but the doctor says I have a few months to live (crying)

Me:dahlia I'm sorry please let's go to a doctor something lets get rid of this

Dahlia:we can't we tried and I got mad because if you have a boyfriend that I wouldn't spend my last 2 months seeing my best friend

Me:it's not like that and I don't want you to go

Dahlia:I no but sometimes you have to let go

Me:I love you bestie (crying)

I sat next to her and hugged her

Dahlia:I love you too (crying)

I walked out to Justin and I hugged him and I pulled him aside and talked to him

Me:I can't go on tour

Justin:why (sad)

Me:she has 4 months to live and she wants to spend 2 months with me this is hard she my other half the only one who mostly gets me the one I can tell everything to my best friend my sister and she going to die I don't want to loose her (crying)

Justin:it's ok baby I understand don't cry everything is going to be alright she's strong

Me:I know I love you

Justin:I love you too


~1 month later~

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