Part 20

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Part 20

Nothing like us

~Later at the house~

Me:Ok well I am (took a deep breath) I'm pregnant

Dad:Wow this is a real big surprise sweetie I'm happy for you

Scooter:I am happy for you guys

Fredo:I'm gonna be a uncle

Bella:wow I'm happy for you guys

Alex:You finally told them

Everyone except for me turned to Alex

Everyone:You knew!!!!!!!!! (Yell)

Alex:Geez Louise you guys don't have to yell and yes I knew you guys don't have to Yell

Everyone laughed

I see Fredo get up and stand we all look at him

Fredo:I can't keep this as a secret anymore... Look I love you Bella you have a sweet heart you are beautiful any guy that would have you is a lucky one but I have feeling for someone else ever since I laid my eyes on her something was there I felt something look Bella you are an amazing girl and I hope we can be friends and Alex ever since I laid my eyes on you I felt you were right I felt something I LOVE YOU ALEXANDRA MARY VILLANUEVA

Alex:I don't know what to say

Alex looks a Bella

Fredo:Look Bella you are amazing and any guy that has you is lucky I hope we can still be friends

Bella:Sure we can but I better go bye guys

Bella left and then we all looked at Alex and Fredo got down on one knee

Fredo:Alex you are a beautiful girl you are amazing sweet talented and everything I love you and I can't stop thinking about you will you be my girlfriend

Alex:I love you too

Alex gets up and helps Fredo up and kisses him we all clap and then they said back to you Jen

Jen:Back to me what back to me you guys no I'm pregnant and that's that

Everyone laughed

Justin pulled me aside to talk to me

Me:Ya baby

Justin:What's your problem

Me:What do you mean

Justin:It's like your saying to them oh I'm pregnant it's nothing special it's just a baby

Me:Justin I am happy I love this special baby that's in me

Justin:it sure doesn't seem like it

Me:Really Justin you know your an asshole

Justin:well at least I am happy that I'm having a kid

Me:Ya I am too Justin I'm happy I

am having a baby

Justin:Sure you are (sarcastic)

Me:Justin why are u getting mad I am happy

Justin:Why didn't you tell me you were pregnant you have to tell someone else before me your fiancée

Me:You know what Justin I didn't know how to tell you

Justin:All you had to do was say I'm pregnant

Me:You know what just I'm done we are done

I threw the ring at him and went inside to my room Justin left Alex came in after an hour to see where I was

Alex:Hey pretty girl


Alex:What's wrong

Me:He got mad at me for no reason he was yelling at me and telling me why I didn't tell him first and I told you and that I don't love this baby and I don't want it and I am not happy he's an asshole

Alex: you no Justin didn't mean those stuff you know he loves you

Me:Used to love me

Alex:don't cry

She hugs me and then my dad calls us down stairs

We went down stairs

Dad:Let's watch a movie

We all said ok

Dad:Where's Justin

Alex gave him that look like don't say anything about him

Me:He had to go

Alex and Fredo were snuggling together my dad and his girlfriend Alice were snuggling oh Alice is my dad's girlfriend they met here in LA

And uncle scooter also has a girlfriend her name is Raquel and the were snuggling and I was a loner

I got up in the middle of the movie and went to my room and fell asleep on my bed

~Next Morning~

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