Part 30

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Part 30

Nothing like us

~Later that night~

~Justin's POV~

I put Ava to sleep I can't believe she talked it was amazing she Is my little princess and one day I hope I can have a boy and he can follow in my foot steps or be a ball player but we will see and Jen fell asleep it's 10 right now and I should really go to sleep because I am Exhausted.

~Next morning~

~Jens POV~

I woke up today and I feel Sad and Lonely on this day always because today is another year without my mom today was the day she passed away exact month exact date I miss her so much and it hurts me that I don't have a mom.

Justin:Hi baby I brought you breakfast in bed

Me:Thank you love but I don't want to eat

Justin:But babe you do need to eat

Me:Justin please I don't want to eat but thank you I love you

Justin:Ok I love you to I'll be down stairs


Me:Come in

Fredo:Hey Jen


He came and sat next to me

I started to cry and Fredo hugs me and starts crying too

Fredo:I no I miss her too

Me:It's just so hard It's just part of my heart is missing its her that is missing

Fredo:I know lil sis


Hey guy well this is the last chapter before the epilogue I Know right shocking well i feel like I should stop with this book so ya but thank you for all the reader and I'm sorry to say there is no sequel to the book but as I was say you guys are the best reader and you guys are amazing and I'm sorry I was late with the update I was really busy yesterday💕

Always remember everyone is beautiful in there own way and that you are beautiful and always smile cuz it will make you feel better and always no that someone does love you 💕🌸🌸😁❤️-Rebecca212121

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