Part 28

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Part 28

Nothing like us

🌸Important message at the bottom!!!🌸

(Jens POV)

~Day after the Birthday Party~

Yesterday was a blast I had so much fun being with the people I love on my birthday and today we get to go out and go sight seeing in LA should be fun in a few days when my grandparents go back to Florida we are going back with them because I want to visit a few people.

Justin:Jen are you upstairs

Me:Ya why

Justin:Can you come down stairs

Me:Ya sure

Justin:Hey babe I wanna talk to you


Justin:Well in like 1 month i am going the Journals tour and I wanted to know if you Would like to go on tour with me and bring Ava along with the family

Me:ya that sounds cool

Justin: well I'm going to your dads house I love you

Me:ok love you

~Few weeks Later~


Hey guys wats up well I know I haven't updated last Sunday so Ima update now Ive been busy a lot but now that I'm not busy I can update every Sunday again well you guys are awesome readers and thank you so much for reading my books and you guys are the best oh and who do you think she is going to visit in Florida comment and the first person gets it right I will give the a shout out and I'm sorry it's short.😄😄💕💕💕💜💜💜

You guys should go follow Tay-Bieber-902 her books are amazing and she is an amazing writer I truly love her books and they are also fanfics of Justin Bieber 😄

Always remember everyone is beautiful in there own way and that you are beautiful and always smile cuz it will make you feel better and always no that someone does love you 💕🌸🌸😁❤️-Rebecca212121

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