Part 27 Suprise party part 2

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Part 27 (Surprise party part 2)

Nothing like us

(Justin's POV)

So we just got to LA and now we are going to ushers house to go and wait tell the party usher texted me saying he talked to Jen and she seemed pretty upset that I didn't call I feel really bad but she will love it tonight at the party.

(Jen POV)

Me: Ava look at the monkeys

Alex: I want one can I have one can I have on

She started jumping up and down

Me:Gurrrrrrlllllllll you ain't 5 your 20 years old Gurl calm down I think your having more fun then all the kids

Alex:Fine and I am probably

~Few Hours Later~

(Jens POV)

Alex: Jen get ready we are going to dinner ill dress Ava

Me:Ummmm okayyyy


So I got ready and we left Alex said she needed to drove but before we got there she put a blind fold on me


(Jen POV)


I took off my blind fold

Me:Wow guys this is amazing

Dad:Jen we have a surprise for you turn around

I turned around and saw my grandma and my Grandpa I am really close to them so when I saw them I started tearing up and I ran to both of them and hugged them

Me: Nana Papa I missed you guys

Nana:You should thank your lovely husband

Me:What are you talking about he's in Canada and forgot my birthday

Papa:Are you sure cuz you should look behind you

I turn around and Justin is standing right behind me I jumped in his arms

Justin:How could I ever forget the love of my life's birthday

Me:IDK but I was so upset babe

Justin:I no babe usher told me

Me:So how was Canada

Justin:I never went to Canada I was in Florida with your family

Me:I love you so so so so so much it hurts sometimes

Justin:I love u sooooooooooooo much to babe


Hey Guys I wanted to say I am really sorry I didn't update yesterday I was busy but I am updating today and I wanted to say thank you guys for reading my books and I wanted to say you guys are awesome and are the best readers ever.

Always remember to smile and everyone is beautiful in there own way💕🌸💜 -Rebecca212121

Nothing Like Us (Justin Bieber Fan Fic.)Where stories live. Discover now