Part 9

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Part 9

Nothing like us

~next morning~

~Jens P.O.V~

I woke up I took a shower and got dressed and I woke up Justin he took a shower and got dressed and I was walking in the hall way to go down stairs and I see Bella coming out of Fredos room and I was shocked

Me:hey bell

Bella:oh hey Jen

Me:you spent the night

Bella:ya so I see Justin did too

Me:ya but we didn't do anything

Bella:ya me either (she was blushing)

Fredo:dads coming home today

Me:ok cool

Justin:hey babe oh hey Bella hey Fredo


Justin: I gotta go home I have a meeting and stuff

Bella:ya I have to go too

I kissed Justin and Fredo kissed Bella and they both left


Me:I got it

Fredo:ok ima go take a shower


I opened the door it was.......

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