Part 22

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Part 22

Nothing like us

~Next Morning~

~Justin's POV~

I woke up and Jen was still sleeping I can't believe that I am a dad and you know what I am really happy that I am a dad I have a beautiful fiancée that I don't want to loose her and I have a beautiful baby daughter that I will always protect her anyways when I woke up I walked to Avalanna's crib and I picked her up and I was rocking her slowly back and fourth and I kissed her forehead.

Jen:Baby (smile)

Me:Hi baby good morning how you feeling (Smile)

Jen:Good it's hard to have a baby

Me:Don't worry you will get used to it (Wink)

Jen:How many kids do u want man

Me:Idk but Ik I can't keep my hands off of you I want you so bad right now

Jen:Ok calm Down cowboy I want one more kid and if we want to do it we can use protection

Me:Hahahahahahaha your right I love you (kiss)

Jen:I love you too (kiss)

The doctor walked in and said that Jen can go home today because she is doing well.

~End of P.O.V~

~Jens POV~

The doctor told me that I can go home today and Justin wants more kids but I just had one and I need to take care of her first I cant just have more baby's and take care of them all together so I'm going to let her grow up a little and then maybe we can have more kids

Me:Babe can you help me grab my stuff so we can go to the car

Justin:No you need to sit in the wheel chair and hold Avalanna and I will take the stuff ok

Me:Ok fine

I sit in the chair and we leave to the car I put Avalanna in the car and we left to Justin's house I realized that Avalanna sleeps all night until 9:00 that is a good babe at least we can sleep I love her to death

~Later that night~

~At the house~

~Jens POV~

I put Avalanna to bed and I went into the room it had candles and rose pettles on the bed and Justin in the bed with out a shirt

Justin:Hey baby you want me to make you some lovin (Sexy voice)

Me:Haha very funny I just got out of the hospital with the baby and I'm soar

Justin:I wish I would have made you soar and not Avalanna I wish she didn't make you soar I wish when you had her it didn't hurt so when I make you soar I can say I did it (Sexy voice)

Me:You pervert

I went on the bed and kissed him and went to bed he was mad

Justin:Your so mean you no that

Me:Yup I love you goodnight baby

Justin:Sure you do goodnight


Justin kissed my shoulder and my cheek

Justin:I'm joking I love you too my love

We started making out and then we made love I know I didn't want to but I had to I couldn't keep away from him it was amazing

~Next morning~

(Still Jens POV)

I woke up and I fed Avalanna her bottle and changed her diapper and I washed her I love being a mother it's amazing and I put her to nap

Justin:Hahahaha last night was amazing


Justin:Hey baby I have to go to Canada for business and I have to fly out today

Me:ok babe

Justin:I love you

Me:Me too

~Few hours later~

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