Part 15

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Part 15

Nothing like us

~Dahlias House~

~Jens P.O.V~

We were at dahlias house and he were sitting in silence and I needed to go to the restroom

Me:Momma can I go to the bathroom

Momma:Yes anything sweetie feel free if you guys need anything gel you self

Me:ok thanks

Everyone nodded I was walking to the bathroom I closed my eyes while passing dahlias room after I went to the bathroom something pulled me to go in dahlias room I don't know what but something did so I walked in and I sat on her bed remembering all the memories we had and I look to my right and I find a letter with my name on it


Dear Jen,

Jen if you are reading this I want to say how thankful I am to have you as a friend and I wanted you to know I will be watching over you and I will be by you side no matter what you are my sister my family I love you with all my heart and I know you are really sad but don't be stay strong I have to tell you something I am pregnant and I just found out none of my parents or sister no please tell them I love them and I will be watching over them tell them not to worry I'm in a better place and tell them I am always by there side I love you bestie by the time you ready this I'm probley already gone but I will always watch over you no matter what.

Love your one and only sister/Bestie,


~end of letter~

After I read the letter I fell to the ground crying and crying everyone ran into the room and I handed the letter to dahlias parents and her dad read it out loud her mom sat next to me and hugged me and we cried together.

Momma:I also lost my grandchild how god why do you do this to me why why why why god why (screaming and crying)

I got up and hugged Justin he took me out side to get fresh air

Justin:Baby I know it's hard and I will be here through this I want to be here for you no matter what I want to be here with you through sadness and through everything I am always here for you I love you with all my heart baby there's nothing like you and me when we are both together there's nothing like us in this world I love you baby

Me:That's the sweetest thing anyone has told me I love you baby and I also want you to be with me through all that (kiss him)

~2 Days later~

~Jens P.O.V~

It's been 2 day since dahlia died and it's been hard I cried every night and day missing her and I am trying to stay strong her mom is really depressed and her dad her mom won't eat or drink her dad cries alot and doesn't wont to leave her room I just wish this never happened dahlias dad finally got out of the room though but he still cries alot

Papa:can you try to get momma to eat please


I walk in the room and sit on dahlias parents bed and talked to her mom

Me:Momma I know it's hard it's hard on all of us but we have to let go sometime I know you don't want to let her go but we all have to we have to think of the good and fun memories

Momma:I know it's just hard losing her she is my first born and we haven't told Bethany (Dahlias sister) yet she still at camp and she coming home today ~crying~

Me:I know momma and I can tell her if you want me too

Momma:Yes please~Crying~

Me:Momma please you need to eat and drink

Momma:Later ~crying~

I get up and go to the living room and tell papa what happened in the room and then Bethany walks in

Bethany: hi guys oh hey Jen where's dahlia

Everyone looks down I wanted to cry but I held it in Bethany is dahlias sister she is six year old she was at summer camp when all this happened so she doesn't know yet.

Me:Bethany can you come outside with me for a minute

Bethany:ya sure

We walked outside and we sat down on the porch steps

Bethany:Sp where is dahlia

Me: (tear slips down my face) ummmmmmmmmm (takes a deep breath and lets it out) well sweetie this is hard to say your sister ummm died you know how she had cancer well it killed her ~crying~

Bethany:What no no no no no no ~crying~

I hug her tight

Bethany:No this is not happening no no no no no no no no no no no no why Jen why ~crying~

Me:I know sweetie it's hard I know but we have to stay strong I know you sister wanted me to tell you that she loves you and she is watching over you and will always be by your side ~crying~

Bethany let go and ran inside into her room and closed the door and her dad walked in there and shut the door to talk to her

I was still sitting outside I covered my hand over my face and I was crying I felt someone rubbing my back I look up it was Fredo I was crying on his shoulder and cried and cried.

~1 day later~


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