Part 14

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Part 14

Nothing like us

~1 hour later~

~Justin's P.O.V~

When I went in the room I saw Jen sleeping on the bed I kissed her forehead and I went to get ready for the show while I was getting ready I felt hands go around my waist and I turned around it was Jen.

Me:Good morning sleepy head (Kiss)

Jen:Hahahahaha I was tired (kiss)

Me:how are you feeling

Jen:Good I'm going to check my phone



~Jens P.O.V~

I got check my phone I have 5 missed calls from dahlias parents I call them back



Me:Hi momma

Momma:Jen ~Crying~

Me:Momma what happened ~starting to cry~

Momma:She has 2 more days to live ~Crying~

Me: I'm coming ~crying~

~End of conversation~

Me:Justin I'm leaving ~Crying~

Justin:What's wrong baby

Me:she has 2 more days to live

Justin:Awww baby it's ok go ill drove you to the airport

I got my stuff and left Justin,my dad,Fredo,and Bella are coming tomorrow I got to the airport and went on the plane and left to Florida.


~Jens P.O.V~

I got a cab and went to the hospital and saw dahlias parents I ran to them and hugged them.

Momma:She's holding in and doesn't want to let go she wants to talk to you alone ~crying~


I walk in she smiled weakly I smiled back

Me:Hi bestie

Dahlia:Hi I have something for you (quietly)

Me:Ok what is it

She gave me a neck less that says best on it and it is a half a heart and I she has the other heart that says friends on it and she gave me a photo book with our pick in it I wanted to cry but I had to stay strong and I put the neck less on

Me:thank you I love it

Dahlia:I love you sissy you are my other half and you are my family and I love you I will be watching over you and you family i want you to know that and I want you to know that we are best friends forever and I want you to watch over my family be there for them like I will be there like you be like me I love you

Me:I will I love you too my little angel my sister ~crying~

Dahlia said he stuff to her mom and dad

Momma:Homey it's ok you can let go now ~crying~

She let go it was hard

I saw Justin, dad,Fredo,and Bella

I ran to Justin and cried and cried

Justin:I'm sorry baby I really am

Me:I.... Wan....t he.....r ~crying~

Justin hugged me tight I let go and hugged momma and papa (Dahlias parents) we were all crying and we left to there house.

~Dahlias House~

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