Part 23

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Part 23

Nothing like us

~Few hours later~

~Uncle scooters house~

(None POV)

Jen:Dad!!!! anyone home!!! (Yelling)

Dad:Jen how are you sweetie

Jen:Good dad how are you


Alex and Fredo walk in

Alex:Fredo why are you so annoying

Fredo:Oh I'm annoying talk about yourself all you do is nag and nag




Fredo:sorry (kisses Alex)

You see why I love there relationship the fight and stop and love each other because that's a strong relationship

Jen:Dad can you watch Ava for me I have to go out for some Aren's

Alex:Can I come with


Dad:Anything for you

Fredo:can I co.....

Dad:don't even think of asking your helping me with Ava

Fredo:Fudge oh well I love her to death anyways

Jen:Bye love you guts thank you so much

The both said bye and love you too and we left

~in the car~

(Jen POV)

Alex:Hey can we stop at the pharmacy please

Me:ok but why

Alex:I think I'm Pre...


Alex:owwww that's my ear and ya i know I'm excited

Me:I have some at my house I'll give you so you can test

Alex:Ok let's go

~Jen and Justin's house~

(Alex POV) (shocker I know)

Jen gave me the test I took it and peed on it now I have to wait ten minute for the results let me tell you I am not ready for this kid I really am not I go to college I'm still young Fredo is still young I'm scared really scared

~ten min later~

I look at the test and...

Hey guys I know I haven't updated in awhile I am sorry i have been really really busy but I promise I will try to update and I am sorry it is short but I hoped you guys liked it and should Alex be pregnant what do you think let me know please :)

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