Part 29

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Part 29

Nothing like us

~Few weeks Later~

(Jens P.O.V)

Today we are flying out to Florida with my Family I can't wait to be home I miss it so much I feel that I can be normal and not be somebody else like I don't have to be the pop stars wife yes I love it but I need to be home a little.

Flight attendant:Hello ladies and gentleman we have landed in Florida and you may now exit thank you and have a wonderful day and enjoy your stay in Florida and thank you for flying with American Airline

Me:Justin wake up

Justin:No mommy I don't want to wake up for school

Me:What are u talking about I ain't your mom wait I'm supposed to wake u up uggghhhh Justin wake up

Justin:5 more min mom I promise

Me:JUSTIN!! I swear if u don't wake up I will take your PS4 away

Justin:Ok I'm up mom don't take m...

Me:I knew that would work *laughing*

Justin:Your so mean but I love you

Me:IK *laughing* I love u too

We got off the plane and went to my grandparents house.


~Jens POV~

Me:Nana Papa I'm going to the room

Justin:I'll come with u

I nodded my head

Dad:Jen Ava fell asleep im going to put her on the couch


I walked up to the room well the guest room you see my grandparents sold there house and moved into ours since we moved to Los Angeles

Justin:Wow this is nice and the bed is comfy

I started laughing


Me:you are funny sometimes

Justin got up and kissed me

Me:let's start unpacking

It's 12:00 in the afternoon and we just finished unpacking but I really have to go somewhere so I grabbed my car keys and yes have my own car out here too

Me:I'll be back

Dad:Where u going

Me:I'll be back

Dad:call us if u need anything

Me:ok no problem bye


Me:Hey Beautiful I haven't been here since forever we'll actually I was here 12 months ago but it's still along time there's not a day that goes by since I haven't stopped thinking about you and I really miss you so much you needed to be here for me why did u have to go mom you left me when I was 15 (yes I changed the age from 2 to 15) and I know you are watching over me and I know u where there for my grad and when Ava was born and when me and Justin had our wedding ( I know u guys didn't read the wedding but I didn't write it I'm sorry) but I still miss you and you still should have been there mom why did u have to go out that night and get into that accident mom why

A tear fell from my eyes

Me:mom I just wanted u to know how much I miss you and love you

Tears fell from my eye and I just sat there quietly listening to the birds and the wind

??:I figured you would be here Justin told me you went somewhere

Me:Fredo can't you believe it's going to be 4 years tomorrow since mom died

Fredo sat next to me

Fredo:No I still can't believe it I miss her so much

Me:I do to its hard every kid needs a mom and now in these days of my life I need mom but she's not here to be here for me

Fredo:I need mom too

??:I need her too

Someone sat next to us

Me&Fredo:Dad how did u no we where here

Dad:You don't think I don't no my kids the first thing you always do before moms day of the pass you come here so I figured you would be here and you see we are here as a family

Me:Ya but dad she's not here exactly here but I know she watching over us

Dad:She is bud I love u both so so so much

Me&Fredo:we love you too

Dad:Hey buds lets go home


We each got into our cars and left


Justin:Ava look it's mommy



I looked confused


I ran to Ava and sat on the couch next to Justin because she was on his lap everyone ran in and my dad was video taping

Me:Ava what you say


I started tearing up

Me:Ava who is that

Ava:Dada dada

I hugged Ava tight

Me:She spoke she spoke

I kissed the side of her head

Justin:I can't believe she spoke

~Later that night~


Hey guys you guys are awesome thank you for reading my books it means a lot to me thank you so much oh and that was a cliff changer wasn't it were u guys expecting that leave a comment below and thank you again for reading this book you guys are really awesome 💕

Always remember everyone is beautiful in there own way and that you are beautiful and always smile cuz it will make you feel better and always no that someone does love you 💕🌸🌸😁❤️-Rebecca212121

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