Part 17

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Part 17

Nothing like us

~after funeral~

~1 month later~

~Jens P.O.V~

Schools starting soon like tomorrow this was the worst summer ever and me and Justin are still together his tour has finished and he is taking a two month break until he goes back on tour (the same one tour) and Justin asked me if i wanted to move in with him after I graduate but I am not sure i want to go to Pepperdine university but I hope I get in I graduate this year I'm going to school with new kids and stuff I am scared and I miss dahlia I usually cry a lot in the night and day but I have to move on my dad says but it's hard I keep in touch with her family and right now I am at Justin's house.

Me:Babe the doorbell is ringing

Justin:I got it babe

I heard Justin laughing and talking so I went down stairs I see a guy with two kids and I walk in the living room

Justin:Oh hey babe this is my dad and my brother and sister jazzy and Jackson

Me:hi nice to meet you

Jeremy:Hi I'm Jeremy nicer meet you too

Me:So ill let you guys catch up and ill take the kids to the other room to play


Me:who wants ice cream


I grabbed the kids with both of my hands and we walked in the kitchen


~Justin's P.O.V~

Dad:She's great with kids

Me:Ya she is she's the sweetest most loving and caring girl I really love her dad I do

Dad:Ya she seems really sweet does mom like her

Me:ya mom and grandpa and grandma

Dad:that's good I like her she seems like a sweet girl how old is she

Me:she's 18 and she's a senior this year

Dad:Really well your 19 and it doesn't matter anyways have you met her mom and dad does she have siblings did you meet them

Me:ya and umm she doesn't have a mom she died when Jennifer was 2 and a month ago she lost her best friend so she's kind of on the edge and has emotions but she's dealing with it and I have met her dad and scooter is her uncle and I met her older brother thats my age and he's one of my best friends

Dad:really scooter is her uncle

Me:ya and he's ok with me dating her

We talked for hours and just having fun the kids fell asleep in the other living room and dad grabbed them and I helped too and he left and Jen went back to her house because she has school tomorrow.


~Next Morning~

~Jens P.O.V~

I woke up brushed my teeth and took a shower really fast and blow dried my hair and I put on skinny jeans and a white shirt that's says keep calm and cheer in pink letters and I out on all white vans and I put on mascara and eyeliner only and then I said bye to my dad and Fredo and scooter and then I drove off to my high school


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