Part 26 Suprise party part 1

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Part 26 (surprise party part 1)

Nothing like us

(Jen POV)

So it's my birthday I am finally 20 ahhhhhhh yessssss well anyways Justin called last night and said he couldn't make it today which sucks because it was supposed to be him me and Ava and now it's just me and Ava I guess I can go to my dad oh wait I can't everyone is busy ooooooohhhhhhh I can call Alex ya I'll call Alex

(A Alex and J Jen)

A-Heyyy happy birthday

J- Heyyyy thank you what are you doing today

A-Nothing much

J-wanna go to the zoo with me and Ava Justin is not coming home today

A-Ya sure be there in 20

J-Kk bye


After I got off the phone I went to take a shower

(Alex POV)

So I just got off the phone with Jen she doesn't know what's going to happen tonight so here's the plan we are having a surprise party for Her Justin is going to be there with her family from Florida she is going to freak so everyone put me as the staller so I can stall her for a few hours this should be fun so I'm going to tell her to get ready at 6 so we can go to dinner with Ava and her dad but little does she no she has a surprise party aren't I glad to have her as a best friend Anyways I have to get ready so we can go pick up Ava from ushers and go to the zoo usher is in the plan too he knows everything anyways I really got to go get ready

(Jen POV)

I got out the shower and got dressed I put on shorts and a blouse that has white flowers on it and I put my hair up in a pony tail and I slipped on my slipper and now I'm going to wait for Alex so we can go pick up gabby from ushers house usher asked if he can have gabby for a day and I said yes but then she fell asleep at his house so he asked if he can keep her I said yes I anyways trust usher he is one of mine and Justin's good friend

Ding dong ding dong

I opened the door

Alex-you ready


We got in the car and drove to ushers

~ushers house~

Me-hey ush

Usher-hey Jen

Me-hwi awva how's mwy little bwaby

I say in a baby voice

Usher-here she is so where are you guys going

I grabbed Ava from ushers hands

Me-Zoo and then lunch and then I get to go home u

Usher-Cool cool nm at home oh happy birthday

Me-Thank you

Usher-Has Justin called

Me-Nope that's what sucks he forgot my birthday

Usher-Maybe he is still sleeping

Me-ya *sigh* well we are going to get going thank you for watching her

Usher-No problem anytime ok bye sweetheart


After we got In the car and went to the zoo let the day begin


HEY GUYS you guys are freaking amazing 200 views wow I love you all so much thank you for reading my books it means a lot to me I am jumping for joy thank you so much anyways I am going to have an updating day and it would be every Sunday thank you guys so much for everything and always remember to smile because you are a wonderful person and everyone is beautiful in there own way 💜💜💜💕💕💕💕💜🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 -Rebecca212121

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