Part 10

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Part 10

Nothing like us

~Jens P.O.V~

When I opened the door it was...

Me:ahhhhhhhhhhh omg I can't believe your here

Dahlia:I know I've missed you so much

Me:me too

Because we were screaming a lot Fredo ran down with a bat before he took a shower

Fredo:What's wrong oh hey dahlia

We all laughed


You see Dahlia and Fredo dated but it didn't work out shes my best friend and I knew her since i was in 1st and she was in 2nd but Fredo dated her for a while she already graduated high school but shes 19 I'm graduating this year her birthday is a day after mine it's so weird though anyways


Dahlia:shut up haha (quietly)

Ferdo: well I am going to go take a shower

Me:ok bye

Dahlia:did you see Justin's dating a mystery girl who is she

Dahlia also love Justin that's why we get along we have so much in common she's my sister she's my best friend and i know it's wrong to keep this secret from her but I'm just not ready only 2 people no about us it's Bella and Fredo that no I'm dating him but other people no that he's dating a mystery girl I'm just not ready for hate and I don't want that to ruin mine and Justin's relationship

Me:ya I have no clue

Dahlia:you should ask him

me:I dont feel confterable though and it's none of our business (I snapped back)

Dahlia:ok sorry I didn't mean anything

me:I know I'm just never mind

Dahlia:ok then so hows living out here is it fun

Me: ya it is I am having a blast but I'm scared to start a new school I won't no anyone

Dahlia:it's fine you'll meet new people oh and hey guess what I got accepted to Columbia state collage

Me:OMG that's amazing I'm going to miss you though

Dahlia:ya me too but ill try to visit how much I can

Me:ya me too

Justin walked in while we were sitting in the living room

Justin:heyyyy b....

I gave that look like dont say it

Justin:Hey Jen

Me:hey Justin this is my best friend dahlia

Dahlia:hiiii (blushing)

Justin:hi (smile)

Dahlia:he's sexy in person (quietly)

I nodded my head and smiled i think I'm going to tell her today when we all go out to dinner

Me:so how long you staring here for

Dahlia:Half of the summer I have to leave in July so I can pack and leave

Me:oh ok


~4 hours later~

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