Part 11

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Part 11
Nothing like us

~4 hours later~
~Jens P.O.V~
My dad and uncle scooter are home it's about 5:00 pm here and I was getting ready while I was looking for what to wear I felt arms go around my waist and I turned around it was Justin I kissed him on the lips and then I heard a knock on the door it was dahlia she's staying over at my house luckily I have a bath room in my room and it goes through Fredos room
Me:Go in Fredos room (whispering)
Justin:ok (whispering) he gave me a quick kiss and left
Dahlia:I'm wearing this and she had mascara and eyeliner only
Me:cute I like it
I grabbed the cloths I was going to wear and I put them on and I only put on eye liner and mascara and my hair was curled and then we all left to the restaurant red lobster
Me and Justin sat next to each other and Bella was there and Fredo told my dad that he was dating Bella he was happy and me and Justin were holding hands under the table Justin texting saying
J:can I talk to you after dinner alone outside when we get home
Me: ya sure
J:ok cool
~end of text message~
~Jens P.O.V~
Me:ok everyone me and Justin have to tell you something
Justin:We are Dating Jen is the mystery girl you guys are hearing about
Dad Nd scooter:congrats
Dahlia got up and left I ran after her
Dahlia:WHAT she said crying
Me:why are you crying you supposed to be my best friend your supposed to support me like I support you
Dahlia:ya but why didn't you tell me we talked everyday this summer and you couldn't tell me we tell each other everything
Me:dahlia I'm sorry tears were coming out of my eyes
Dahlia:just forget it just forget we are friends just forget everything
She got in her rent a car and left
I was crying I wiped my tears away and I went back to the table and sat down and the food came.
Dad:Jen why Aren't you eating
Me:I'm not hungry anymore
Everyone was talking away to there selfs
Justin:what's wrong
Me:nothing wrong (fake smile)
Justin:ok I love you
Me:I love you too we kissed
Dad:everyone ready

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