Part 21

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Part 21

Nothing like us

~Next Morning~

I woke up and I check my phone I had 20 missed calls and 10 text messages from Justin so I called him back

Me:What do you want

Justin:To say how much I love you and how much you mean to me and how much I care about you and how much I am really sorry

Me:Can we talk can you come over and we will talk


When I hung up I felt sick and ran to the bathroom and threw up after I brushed my teeth and I went down stairs I found a note that's says

Dear Jen,

We all went to a 3 day vacation sorry we didn't wake you up we figured you didn't want to go maybe you need to work things out with Justin yes I know about that and no one told me about that I figured everything out on my own see you in 3 days love you call us and we will call you



After I read the note I heard a knock it was Justin


Justin:Hi (Smile)

Me:Come in

He comes in and we sit on the couch

Justin:so I just wanted to say that I love you and I am sorry for everything I said to you please forgive me

Me:I love you too and I forgive you

We kissed and the we ate in n out and then I called my doctor to make an appointment for the baby and she told me to come in right now so we went to the doctors

Doc:Hi Jen how are you


She did an Ultrasound and a sonogram to here the heart beat

Doc:You are 8 months

Me:If I'm 8 months how come my belly isn't that big

Doc:Well it's normal a lot of people have a small belly you baby is healthy and I could tell you the gender if you like so before I do that I like the couple to say what they think it is



Doc:Do you want to know

Me and juju:Yes

Doc:ok it is... It's a girl

Justin:Yes I knew it

Me:Aww yay I'm happy I don't care if it's a boy or girl I care if it's healthy

Justin kissed me and we made another appointment for next month and my due date is next month on the 10 of July so the doctor said she wants to see me on the 5th of July

My birthday was a few days ago it's the 25 of June now and ya I know I'm 19 and having a baby I want to go to college but Justin said he can take a break from his music so I said no I can stay home and he can still sing but we finally made an agreement that I can go to college to be I'm Law and he can still do his career my dad offered to help out with the baby and when I have days off of school I'll watch her and when Justin has days off of work so he can watch her we are naming her Avalanna that name means a lot to Justin so I figured to name her that's and ya

~1 Week Later~

In a week I am due my doctor said its normal if I due early since in 4 days I'm due we bought all the cloths and crib and baby stuff for her

Me:Justin can you please help me get the emergency pregnancy bag ready just case I.... Omg my water just broke Justin it just broke

Justin came running to the room

Justin:Ok just stay calm lets go to the car

Me:ok I am

We go into the car and I call my family and Justin calls his family

And then we got to the doctor we went into the Delivery room and we Had Avalanna Marie Bieber born July 6 a beautiful baby girl when I had her Justin started to cry and then I started to cry when I heard her cry it was like the whole world has changed and I am happy we are finally a family she is one healthy baby and I love her with all my heart

And so does the whole family (image below if you want to see the baby)

Dad:She's so beautiful

Fredo:Awwww That's my niece she's going to be an uncles little girl

Justin:Heyyyyy no she isn't she's going to be a daddy's girl she's all mine back off

Fredo:Let's bet

Me:You can share her but she's going to be mommas girl more

Alex:She's so adorable

Juju and Fredo:Heyyy

Me:Hey is for horses so now shhh

Juju and Fredo:Fine

We all laughed and Then I got up to Avalanna's little crib thing and I picked her up and took her to my bed and I let everyone hold her after a hour or 2 everyone left and Justin stayed with me and then I fell asleep

~Next morning~

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