Part 16

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Part 16

Nothing like us

~1 day later~

~Funeral day ~

~Jens P.O.V~

I put on a black dress and black high heels and I curled my hair and after we all got dressed we got in the car and drove to Dahlias house I walked in and everyone was dressed except Bethany

Momma:Bethany wont get dressed she locked her self in the room can you try to get her to come out and get dressed please


I walked in the room and sat next to her on the bed

Me:hi Beth

Beth:Hi ~crying~

Me:sweetie I know it's hard that dahlia passed away its hard for all of us but we need to stay strong

Beth:I miss her she's my only sister and my only sibling who am I gonna talk to who am I going to look up too ~crying~

Me:I know it's hard for me too and sweetie you can always come to me I know I'm not you sister and I know no one can change her but if you need any thing I am here for you

Beth:thank you Jenny

Me:now I need you to stay strong for your mommy and daddy ok


I hug her and I get her dressed and we all walk outside to the car and drove off to the funeral.


~Jens P.O.V~

Everyone said there speeches even Justin and then it was my turn I went up on the stage (this is after we barried her)

Me:ummm dahlia was a special girl she was my best friend I still remember from today how we met and I remember how she came up to me and asked me if we can be friends and from there on I knew she was my best friend my sister and a few days ago I lost her and here I am today standing on this stage knowing I don't have my best friend here anymore she was the most sweetest girl in the world the nicest girl I ever knew she was my other half my family and no one can take her place I ..... I.. I'm sorry I can't ~starts crying~

Her mom comes and hugs me and she and her dad also comes and hugs me and the both stand next to me while I finish my speech

Me:I miss her alot and I know she will always be by my side and in my heart she will always be here with me with her family she got excepted to Columbia state college she was supposed to leave in august and I was going to miss her but I knew she would come and visit me and stuff but here she can't I can see her anymore only one day I will but I want her here with me (tears were falling from my face and then I wiped the tears away and continued) well I'm going to song a song I wrote for her a few days ago the next day I sat down and started writing her a song (I miss you by Miley Cyrus I know it's not her song but it is in the story)

I started singing and when I finished tears slipped out of my eyes I got up and sat out in the crowd.

~after funeral~

~1 month later~

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