Part 4

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Part 4

Nothing like us

~Next morning~

~Jens P.O.V~

I woke up to the smell of burning I got up ran to fredo's room he wasn't there so I ran down stairs and I see fredo trying to cook breakfast but instead he burnt it.

Me:What are you doing

Fredo:oh happy birthday and I wanted to cook my little sister a birthday breakfast.

Me:it's ok bro we can go to I hop or something oh hey your going on a date today

Fredo:ya and wait what

Me:ya her name is Bella and justin talked to her and she said ok come on me and justin are ganna be there.

Fredo:wait you and justin are

He said confused

Me:yes we are now shhh don't tell no one.

Fredo:you haven't told dad or scooter or even your best friend

Me:no I haven't told dad or scooter or dahlia I'm waiting to see where it goes.

Fredo:oh ok

Me:so will you go with Bella please

I gave him the puppy face

Fredo:ok fine ill go


The doorbell ringed

Jen:I got it

When I opend it was justin

~none P.O.V~

Jen:Hi baby

Justin:hi my baby

Jen:fredo knows about us

Justin:oh ok

Jen:he said he would go on the date with Bella


Then he gave me a little kiss

Justin:Happy birthday baby

He picked me up and twirled me and gave me another kiss

Jen:Thank you

Justin:No problem

I smiled at him and he smiled back

Justin:Oh here I got you a present

Jen:you didn't have to get me anything but thank you

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and opened the gift

Jen:OMG Justin it's so beautiful you didn't have to get me this

It's a bracelet with real diamonds

Justin:I wanted to because you are my diamond charm

Jen:awwwwwwww Justin that's really sweet thank you

I gave him a kiss

Justin:Oh read the back of the bracelet

Jen:There's nothing like you and me together through the storm, there's nothing like us <3 -Justin awwwwww Justin this is the sweetest thing ever thank you so much really thank you

Justin:no problem anything for my girl

I gave him a kiss and then we went inside the house


~2 hours later~

Nothing Like Us (Justin Bieber Fan Fic.)Where stories live. Discover now