Part 5

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Part 5

Nothing like us

~2 hours later~

I was getting ready and my dad called and said happy birthday and uncle scooter called and said happy birthday we all talked for like an hour and then I went to get dressed I put on skinny jeans and a white t-shirt that says love on it and I put on my all white vans and I straitened my hair and I put on mascara and eyeliner only.

~Alfredo's P.O.V~

Me:hey Justin how do you know Bella

Justin:She's My best friends sister

Me:oh cool

I heard a doorbell so I went to go open it and I saw the most beautiful girl ever she had black hair and blue eyes she was so beautiful anyways

Bella:Hi I'm Bella

Fredo:hi I'm Alfredo but call me Fredo come in

Bella:nice to meet you and thanks

Fedo:nice to meet you too and no problem

Bella:oh hey Justin

She gave him a side hug


~Jens P.O.V~

I walked down stair and I see Bella she's so gorges she's prettier than me

Me:hi I'm Jennifer but you can call me Jen if you like

Bella:I'm Bella

Me:nice to meet you (smile)

Bella:you too (smile)

Me:so you guys ready



We all walked to the car and drove to the restraunt it was my favorite place ever Olive Garden when we got there I was walking with justin and he grabs my hand and we are holding hands and we were walking behind Alfredo and Bella and all of a sudden there hand lock they were holding hands me and Justin look at each other and smiled

~Bella's P.O.V~

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