Part 7

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Part 7

Nothing like us

~next morning~

~Jens P.O.V~

I woke up and brushed my teeth and went to take a shower Justin texted me saying that he's going to pick me up at 10:00 right now it's 9:00 I took a 30 min. Shower and I got dressed I put on shorts and a pink shirt that says Cali girl in black and I wore an all black vans shoes and I curled my hair and I put on only mascara and eyeliner i also put on my clear baby lips Chapstick and I put on my someday perfume by my love and then I go downs stairs and grab a banana and a water bottle.


I went to open it and it was Justin

Justin:hi baby

Me: hi my love

Justin:you ready

Me: ya

We got into Justin's car and drove off to his house when we got there it was a huge house

Me:wow Justin this is a huge house

Justin:ya I know

Me:I'm nervous

Justin:Baby look at me

I look at him

Justin:Don't be nervous they will love you as much as I do

We kiss and then walk in the house

Justin:I'm home he yelled

Pattie and Justin's grandparents came down stairs

Pattie:this must me Jennifer I heard so much about you

Me:Really and you can call me Jen if you guys want

Pattie:ok and ya Justin can't stop talking about you

Justin:Mom stop you are embarrassing me

We all laughed and I hugged them all


~Justin P.O.V~

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