Part 19

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Part 19

Nothing like us


~None P.O.V~

??-We are here today to celebrate the class of 2013 and I am glad to say I have seen all these kids grow up since 9th grade I am one happy principle and I want Jennifer Braun to come say her speech

Jen:Thank you Mr.Walker wow ok so here is my speech hahahaha

Speech:Well I am new at this school I came here this year not knowing anyone this summer I moved out her leaving one of my best friends but I lost her this summer she had cancer and she died she was the best I was so sad I came into this school and met the most wonderful best friend I have ever met that gets me Alexandra or you may know her as Alex i felt like dahlia wanted us to be best friends and a lot has happened to me this year and I am happy I spent my senior year at this school I met so many wonderful and so many great people this year and I want to say class of 2013 put your string thingie I forgot what's it called hahahaha to you left side and now everyone stand up and clap for the class of 2013

Everyone clap and we all through our hats in the air I run and hug Alex and then I look up in the sky and say dahlia we did it we graduated I love and miss you girl but I felt that she was with me that she was there and I saw Justin I ran and hugged him and gave him a kiss and I hugged my family and then went to Justin and pulled him aside I don't know to tell him

Me:Ok so here it is you know how we been talking about starting a family having a baby well no need to try

Justin:Huh (confused)

Me:Ok how do I explain this easier ok I got it we are having a baby I'm pregnant


Me:Yes Really!!!!

Justin:OMG yay I'm going to be a dad (kiss me)

Me:Ya I'm happy

Justin:Me too baby me too have you told you dad yet


~Later at the house~

We were all sitting down and Alex was there and Bella was there and I got up and me and Justin stood in front of everyone

Me:We have something to tell you guys

Everyone was looking at each other like what

Me:Ok well I am........

Nothing Like Us (Justin Bieber Fan Fic.)Where stories live. Discover now