Part 13

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Part 13

Nothing like us

~1 month later~

~Jens P.O.V~

Dahlia left early home because she is getting sicker I really don't want to lose her and Justin's been good we are still dating and he's still on tour and I am going to visit him today any ways im going to pack.

Dad:Jen we are leaving lets go

Me:ok I'm coming I'm coming

Me,dad,and Bella got in the car and went to the airport


We got on the plane and flew to Paris the plane ride was fun but I was just really nervous to see Justin

I haven't seen him in a month but its ok.


~Justin's P.O.V~

I am really nervous to see Jen I miss her but I just really am I don't know why.

Fredo:Justin I'm going to pick them up

Justin:ok cool


~Paris airport~

~Jens P.O.V~

We got to Paris and we left the plane and we see Fredo I give him a big hug and Bella gives him a kiss and a hug oh and yes they are still dating I for got to tell you guys.We left the airport and got to the hotel I walked up stairs to Justin's room and knocked on the door he opened it and I jumped in his arms and I kissed him.

Justin:I missed you baby

Me:I missed you to babe

Justin:I love you so so so so so so much

Me:me too (kiss him)

Justin:So how's dahlia

Me:umm she's really really sick she left a few days ago I don't want her to leave I wish she never had cancer that's my best friend since 1st grade and I don't want her to she's the one who knows most about me she's the one who gets me you know and it sucks she can go any day now and I don't want that (tears were coming down my face)

Justin:I know baby I know but sometimes you have to let go of thing and trust me its not going to be easy but all you have to do is show her support and loving and strong you have to stay strong in front of her

Justin hugged me and I was crying and it suck I hate it I wish she never had cancer

Me:I love you Justin

Justin:I love you too

Justin went to sound check and I stayed in the room I called dahlias mom and I call Dahlias mom and dad momma and papa and dahlia calls my dad papa.


Me:Hi Momma

Momma:Hi sweetheart

Me:How's dahlia

Momma:She's really sick and tired and she's in bed all day ~crying~

Me: oh I just don't want her to go you know it hurts me seeing her like this ~crying~

Momma:*sniffle* I know mean either do you want to talk to papa

Me:yes please

Momma:before I give you the phone I just want you to know that thank you for being by her side at all times you are like my own daughter Jen I love you sweetheart

Me:thank you momma I will always be there for you guys no matter what I love you too.

Papa:Hi Sweetie

Me:hi papa

Papa:how are you doing

Me:good and you papa

Papa:good just hanging in there

Me:I know me too papa I miss you guys I'm going to see you guys real soon

Papa:ok I love you sweetie I have to go

Me:I love you guys bye

~end of conversation~

~1 hour later~

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