2 | who the hell are you?

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 Roxanne slowed the car to a halt when she spotted a large group of walkers up the road a mile, sporadically wandering in one direction

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Roxanne slowed the car to a halt when she spotted a large group of walkers up the road a mile, sporadically wandering in one direction. It was the first sign of strangeness that she had seen in days. Driving, feeding, sleeping, and shushing Kali recently seemed to be the only thing she lived for.

"See that, Kali? Momma's seeing something." Rox whispered back to her baby girl. Kali only gurgled and made strange noises, but it was enough for Roxanne not go mad from isolation.

Roxanne continued driving toward the masses and the walkers only seemed to increase more and more in numbers. What seemed like hundreds turned to thousands; it reminded her much of a concert she had went to when she was younger.

She missed it; the days when she had nothing to fear, nothing to kill, nothing to hide from. She could be hungry and run to the kitchen for some fruit roll-ups. Strawberry was her favorite flavor, she always put the rest in a baggy to give to her husban— ex-husband.

After the apocalypse washed over Roxanne's hometown, her husband was never to be heard of again. She, really, wasn't so surprised. He was in the military, apart of the cavalry; he probably died. Then again, Roxanne always expected the worst from situations. Roxanne planned for it to happen, so assumed death of her husband didn't phase her very much.

Kali, obviously, wasn't his child. She was born in the world as it is now; with monsters that crave her flesh and linger in the shadows.

When Roxanne first realized that the world was creating monsters, was when she was with her four-year-old daughter, Adriana. She was the child of Roxanne's (assumed) deceased husband.  Adriana was a loving child and love to play with just about anything she could get her hands on. One day, Roxanne took Adri to the park for a classmate's birthday party. The park was fairly full of people, anyone could have seen the monster. But, no one at the time knew about the human-eating thing. The monster had seemed to be stuck at the gate, and innocent Adri believed that it was an old man needing help to get to his grandson.

"I will hep you mister!" Adriana ran to the rescue over to the thing. She never noticed how aggressive the thing had become as she neared it, so she placed her tiny palm on the gate and within milliseconds, the monster bit her arm. Adriana screamed.

Everyone in the park went mad and grabbed up their children when they saw the thing biting off chunks of the girl's arm. Roxanne ran over to her baby and tried prying it off of her, but the thing caught a stronger hold of the small child, beginning to pull her intestines out. Roxanne cried and pleaded for the thing to stop, for someone to help her. But, the thing kept eating her child. She called 911, but no one seemed to believe her. All she could do was watch her child in horror as she was devoured.

"Let's go check it out." Roxanne muttered as she sped past the walkers, investigating the origin of the commotion.

an: short af, but that's because this was in my drafts for the longest and i began to write the next chapter already :)

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