18 | plot

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18 | PLOT

The soft tune Roxanne hummed to Kali was shaky and nervous

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The soft tune Roxanne hummed to Kali was shaky and nervous. It had been a few days since she had left Alexandria, and the Saviors base had become all too quiet. Roxanne had fallen into a routine: eat, care for Kali, and listen in onto Negan's wives' annoying conversations.

Roxanne was quietly sitting in the rocking chair Negan had placed in the room where his wives stayed. Roxanne had nothing else to do in there except for listen to the other girls' conflicts. They were all worrying about Negan finding out about Amber's infidelity.

Roxanne listened in for a few more moments until Negan suddenly entered the room with a boy: Carl. Roxanne furrowed her brows and looked at Carl with a puzzled expression. "Don't mind the kid." Negan announced when he noticed all of the women instantly shot theirs eyes over at Carl.

"What in the hell..." Rox mumbled to herself as she observed Negan speaking to Carl.

Negan then turned to one of his many wives, the pale brunette, and waved her over. "Can I talk to you for a minute, dear wife?" Negan called the woman-- Roxanne never did care to learn her name-- over.

The brunette begrudgingly got up and met him in the corner of the room to chat. "Carl." Rox called him, gesturing him to near her.

Carl did as asked and greeted her with a curt nod. "What the hell are you doing here?" Rox shot him a scolding look.

Carl shook his head, disappointedly. "I tried to kill him, but the one of the Saviors stopped me--" He began to explain.

"Are you fucking delusional?" Roxanne had picked up Negan's sailor mouth in the weeks she had spent as prisoner there.

Carl's face darkened. "I was just trying to help the community." He told.

"I have been near Negan everyday since I've been gone. If I knew that I could kill him and get away with it, I'd have done a long ass time ago. But I didn't, because I knew he'd hurt you, or Rick, or Kali, or someone. Carl, sweetie, you're 'bout lucky as hell he didn't kill you at first glance!" Roxanne lectured, her arms waving wildly in the air as she spoke.

Carl gulped. "I realize that now," he paused, "when are you coming back home?" He inquired.

"When it's safe..," Roxanne leaned forward so that she could whisper into Carl's ear, "and after I destroy the saviors from the inside." She explained.

Carl widened his eye in shock. He hadn't thought of the benefits of having Roxanne, even Daryl, on the inside. "We don't have a plan. Dad just wants to serve them." Carl whispered back to Rox.

Roxanne shook her head and smirked. "Just wait. Your daddy isn't going down without a fight. I've seen those interview tapes from Deanna. Whatever y'all went through before Alexandria, was a helluva greater struggle than this." She scoffed.

Carl thought for a second then nodded, agreeing with her. He then noticed Negan began passionately kissing one of his wives. While he took a quick glance, two new figures entered the room: Dwight and Daryl.

Dwight held onto the collar of Daryl's prisoner outfit tightly, ensuring that he wouldn't run. Daryl held a platter of hors d'oeuvres set prettily for the women. Daryl looked beaten and exhausted. He was clearly being overworked as a slave, and he knew exactly why-- Negan wanted him to give into becoming a Savior.

Carl was in shock at seeing Daryl in such a state. Roxanne on the other hand, wasn't so surprised. "Carl, will you grab that tray for me?" Negan asked after he broke away from kissing his brunette wife. Carl walked over to Daryl, grabbed the tray and place it on the table.

"Why do you got 'em here?" Daryl asked about Roxanne, Kali and Carl.

"Woah! What we talk about when you're not here is none of your business. Do not make me put a toothpick through the only eye the boy has. You go with Dwight. He'll get you a mop. Dwighty boy! Fire up that furnace, I'll be down in a few. Time for a little déjà vu. Come on kid" Negan dismissed the two and followed them out, with Carl lagging behind.

As soon as everybody exited the room, all of the wives returned to Amber or crying on their lonesome. Leaving Roxanne to continue plotting with Kali sleeping in her lap.

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