37 | plan

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37 | PLAN

For days, nothing seemed to happen

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For days, nothing seemed to happen. The air outside was hot and still. The sounds of nature was silent. There was no attack, no offensive plan against the Saviors... simply nothing happened. Rosita entered Roxanne's bedroom with a cheeky smile spread on her face. "What is it?" Roxanne shot up from her bed, hoping for something to happen.

"We're gonna get our bullet maker back." She smiled devilishly.

* * *

Rosita, Daryl and Roxanne stood outside of the outpost that Eugene now ran. They had scouted it earlier in the day to confirm that Eugene made that bullet factory into an outpost; and they ended up being correct. Only a few minutes passed before Eugene and his couple of guards exited from the back door. The trio then attacked Eugene's guards and silently ended them with a swift move. Rosita instantly stepped up and pointed her gun at Eugene, shoving him quietly and quickly away to . Daryl and Rox ran after them, hurrying away from the outpost.

As soon as they were far enough, they slowed their pace from a run to a walk. "I can't help but to suspect that the reason I'm being taken alive is, despite what completely warranted bad blood exists between us, you still harbor a vestigial nostalgia for our erstwhile camaraderie. And I'm light of that, I'm willing to just shut my grub flap and give you your space until you see such a time as you're ready to break the ice, one traveling companion—" Eugene went on and on and on.

In all honesty, Roxanne wasn't quite sure how Negan hadn't killed Eugene yet. He was very annoying.

Daryl got annoyed as well and interrupted him by turning around, grabbing Eugene by the throat and pointing his knife at him. "Shut your mouth before I cut your tongue out!" Daryl hissed.

Rosita pried Daryl off of Eugene. "All right! We got to keep going. They have to be out looking for him by now." Rosita reminded. Daryl huffed, then turned around to start walking again. Then, Eugene began blabbering off again. His topics varied, but all Roxanne's brain could pick up were: when Negan kept him because he was a bullet maker, why he stayed, who's fault it all was.

* * *

Eventually, the four decided to break off. Rosita and Daryl stayed behind to trek toward Hilltop while Roxanne walked further ahead to scout for incomers, dead or alive. When she reached Hilltop, she waited about twenty minutes until she began to realize something went wrong on their walk back to Hilltop.

Roxanne hurried over to Maggie, who was locking up a found escaped prisoner. "Maggie!" Roxanne called as she ran frantically over to her.

"Yes?" Maggie's face dropped into a worried expression.

"I scouted ahead on my way back here with Eugene, we got him but they haven't shown up yet and it's been almost thirty minutes now." Roxanne explained, out of breath from running.

Maggie furrowed her brows. "How far out were they from you?" She inquired.

"About ten minutes. Not too far. You think something went wrong? I can go back out there—" Rox began to propose.

"No, I need you to look at this. They'll be fine. They'll make it back. We found Gregory. He went to the Saviors and we found this on him." Maggie handed a scribbled on map to Roxanne.

Roxanne scanned over the map. In bold marker there were letters spelling out 'TOMORROW AFTER NOON, NEGAN AND TEN MEN AT THE X. OTHER 11 PERSON TEAMS AT EACH OF THE CIRCLES. END NEGAN. END THE REST. END THIS.' Roxanne opened the map, and spotted all the circles and the x on the map. "What're we gonna do?" Maggie questioned.

Roxanne had an idea, but she didn't want to jump to final solutions. "Have you shown this to Rick yet?" She asked. Maggie shook her head.

"Then we show him. See what he says. Because if I tell you my plan, you're not gonna like it." Roxanne smiled mischievously.

Maggie cocked her brow and shot Roxanne a suspicious look. "What is it?"

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