26 | i didn't know

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Roxanne met up with the rest of the Alexandrians after the fighting had quieted down

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Roxanne met up with the rest of the Alexandrians after the fighting had quieted down. "They're falling back." Rick announced.

Maggie, whom had led the Kingdom into the fight, appeared and began barking out orders. "Eduardo, Bertie, between the houses, cover the gate! Let's go!" All of the people who were crowded around, disseminated and went off to accomplish their mission— leaving Rick and Roxanne to take cover and find something else to do.

As they ducked there, Rick squeezed Roxanne's hand, nonverbally telling her that he was sorry for her loss. Rox curtly nodded at him and refrained from looking at him, for if she did, she would immediately return to crying. "We're gonna finish this now. I am gonna finish this now. Not for you, not for me, not for Alexandria— for Kali. That son of a bitch is gonna get what he deserves." Roxanne growled, still not daring to make eye contact with Rick.

"You don't have to do this." Rick spoke quickly since the sound of gunfire had increased.

Roxanne scoffed. "Yes, I do."

* * *

Unfortunately, the Scavengers and Saviors managed to escape. But, that was only one battle. The Alexandrians still had the entire war to win.

Until then, they had to prepare. And Roxanne had to cope. After the battle, she stood over the empty crib Kali had been taken from. She blamed herself for allowing it to happen. "Why didn't I hide her? I— I didn't think he would kill his own daughter." Roxanne's shaky words slipped out under her breath.

Her entire body began to tremble. The heartbreak she was enduring from losing her second child was unimaginable. Tears began to fall from her face once again. She collapsed to the ground as she broke down. She screamed for mercy. She screamed for the heartless God she thought would protect her and her daughters. She screamed for Kali. She screamed for Adriana. But nothing she could do would ever reverse time and bring the two back. Nothing.

Out of nowhere, a shadow was cashed over Roxanne. She knew it must've been Rick. She heard him sit himself next to her. She felt him pull her head to his chest. "I—I'm so sorry, Rox." His voice cracked.

"H—he c—cru—cru—" Roxanne tried to form her words between her sobs, but couldn't.

"I know. I know." He placed a comforting kiss on top of her head. Roxanne knew that he was hurting too. She could tell with his shaky voice and nervous hands.

"He will pay for this, I promise you that." Rick promised.

"I don't even know where her body is, Rick." Roxanne spoke after several minutes of sobbing in Rick's arms.

Rick inhaled deeply. "Just rest for now. I'll take care of everything else." He told her.

* * *

For months, they prepared. For months, Roxanne grieved. But she soon replaced that grief for focus to kill the Saviors. Every last one of them. She found comfort in Rick during this period. She forgave him for making a mistake that most would find unforgivable. She also fell back in love with him.

Judith grew by the second. The community matured and grew stronger than ever. By the time it was time to attack: they were ready. And Roxanne was ready to kill Negan. But she was patient, and she knew that it couldn't just be a quick death. She had to capture him and have him suffer. And she would wait as long as it took to be able to do that.

an: we are finally at season 8. don't forget to watch tonight's episode guys!

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