12 | negan

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12 | NEGAN

It didn't take long before Negan realized that Rox was only pretending to be in a deep sleep

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It didn't take long before Negan realized that Rox was only pretending to be in a deep sleep. And soon enough, he began speaking to her. "I know you like to play games, Roxie. It's time to wake up, sweet thang." Negan poked her cheek.

Roxanne didn't move one muscle, for she was too afraid to even blink. "I said wake the fuck up. I am tired of your goddamn games, Roxanne. I'm not playing them anymore, not like I did before." Negan shouted, frustrated that Roxanne was already beginning to run him in circles.

Roxanne slowly opened her eyes and held her breath. She slowly moved her eyes over to look at Negan. Her eyes darkened when she made eye contact with him. "Good morning, princess. It's time to get to work."

* * *

Negan immediately put Roxanne to work, mostly to keep her busy and to keep her from running away like before. He briefly caught her up on what she had missed the two years she was gone; which wasn't much except that he had claimed more communities. However, he did keep details to himself.

Roxanne only ever joined the Saviors to survive, as she had been doing since the beginning of the end. Roxanne quickly became notorious for her independence when she belonged to the Saviors. Negan found an interest in her, because she, unlike many other women, did not fear anything, including death.

Negan made her into his plaything, and Roxanne didn't mind- for she was benefitting too by being the boss' eye candy. However, when supplies began to lack in quantity, the Saviors became ravenous and hostile in order to survive. When Roxanne found out she was pregnant, her fearlessness diminished as she realized that she was responsible for an innocent's life. She knew that if Negan found out she was pregnant during such a rough time, he was bound to kill the baby. So, she did what she could to save herself and the baby. She ran.

Negan never found out about Kali, and never knew why Roxanne ran away. He simply thought Roxanne ran away because she was selfish, and was no longer able to mooch off of the group's supplies.

* * *

Roxanne sat in the storage room, sorting canned foods. A guard stood behind her, watching her every move, for it was what Negan had instructed him to do. Rox was only mostly annoyed, and a bit eager to escape and return to Kali. She was glad that he found her while she was alone, but she was a bit saddened to know that the Alexandrians would probably be worrying about her.

"Do you really have to be here?" Roxanne groaned as she tossed a can of baked beans into a box.

The guard stared down at her angrily. "Negan says that you'll steal or run away if I don't." The boy hesitated before speaking.

"Really? Or is it because of something else?" Roxanne's eyebrow quirked upward, in a curious manner.

The boy gulped and shifted his weight on his feet. "No..." The boy trailed off.

"What is your name?" Roxanne inquired.

The boy's eyes moved from her to the rack of cans before them. "I am Negan." He spoke firmly, almost as if he were telling himself that he had to be Negan.

"Huh?" Roxanne scrunched up her face in confusion. She hadn't heard that line before. The rules must had changed since Roxanne was there last. Though, she didn't quite blame Negan for instituting such detailed rules, for chaos would erupt as it had been beginning to do so the last time Roxanne was there.

"I. Am. Negan." The boy spoke slowly so that Roxanne could understand the underlying meaning.

Roxanne nodded slowly, unsure as to what the big idea was behind the message. Then again, she wasn't ever the brightest of the bunch. "Okay... um, sure." Roxanne then diverted her attention back to the cans, carefully thinking up a plan to escape.

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