13 | holy shit

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For what seemed like years, Roxanne remained in the Savior compound, unable to escape the grasps of Negan and his minions

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For what seemed like years, Roxanne remained in the Savior compound, unable to escape the grasps of Negan and his minions. Although she had attempted to slip away dozens of times, she seemed to always fail. Every time she was unsuccessful at doing so, security increased around her.

During the months Roxanne spent alongside the Saviors, she spent all of her time completing tasks ordered by Negan. However, she never saw Negan since she first arrived there. She was never allowed to speak to another Savior, only the occasional small talk with guards. She quickly grew weary and almost lost hope at escaping the compound when she had finally received a very special task: to go on a quick, late-night run.

Roxanne saw this task as an opportunity to finally be free and return to Kali. However, she would be far from achieving freedom when she was to arrive at the destination of Negan's choice. She would face grief, horror, pain, terror and much more. She would endure all of these emotions at once, when she would finally see Negan again after so many months.

* * *

Roxanne sat for hours in the empty RV attempting to break the cuffs that confined her to the corner of the vehicle. After being abandoned for so long in the RV, an abrupt sound echoed throughout the small RV. Rox's head shot up as her eyes focused on the figure entering the vehicle; it was Negan.

"Long time no see, doll face." Negan spoke without even making eye contact with her, he was too busy searching for something in the RV.

"Why am I here? You gon' kill me or something?" Roxanne instantly asked, hoping to get some answers so that she could better understand her time window to try to escape again.

Negan clicked his tongue disappointedly then finally looked up at Roxanne. "I would never hurt your pretty little face. But, if you have to know, you're here to do what you do best: play a game." Negan chuckled.

Roxanne cocked her head to the side to insinuate she wasn't following. Negan simply ignored her lack of understandability and continued to search for whatever it was that he was looking for. "Ah, there it is!" Negan's lips spread open to reveal his pearly white teeth. He quickly picked up a heavy chain clipper from the pile of tools sitting at the front of the RV.

Negan then turned to face Rox then lifted the chain clippers. He proceeded to near Roxanne with the heavy tool, then pointed it at her. Roxanne flinched, her heart raced, she closed her eyes and looked away, bracing herself for what she thought was going to happen.

She waited for a sudden, sharp and painful feeling to erupt in her abdomen or something, but it didn't come. All she heard was a sound. The sound of metal dropping to the ground. Roxanne felt her wrists had been freed, and when she realized that, she looked back at Negan with confused eyes.

Negan shrugged. "One of my guys lost the key to your cuffs." He mentioned, then spun on his heel and exited the RV.

Once he was out of sight. Roxanne sighed out in relief. She combed some fingers through her matted hair and placed a hand to her racing heart. She quickly searched the vehicle for a weapon, and unfortunately only found a tool. However, she was going to make it work as a weapon.

Roxanne carefully opened the door to the RV, then peeked out. She noticed the mass amount of Saviors outside, then instantly retreated back into the RV. She huffed as she realized that she was not going to be able to slip away with that many of Negan's pets lurking around, so she simply dropped the tool she wielded.

She finally left the RV and joined the rest of the Saviors outside. She found her way to an isolated area as she waited for some type of instruction. Within seconds, Negan began to whistle, and the other Saviors followed suit. Roxanne carefully listened in as she attempted to decipher what in the hell they were doing.

They all began to circle around the  cleared area they stood in and someone turned off all of the lights. It was almost as if they were luring something in. Roxanne's eyes adjusted to the darkness then she noticed multiple figures rush into the clearing all of the Saviors resided in.

A light abruptly cut on, and the group of people the Saviors were trapping stopped in their tracks. The whistling increased in volume and was quite pitchy. The whistling was making Roxanne's mind spin in circles. Roxanne squinted as she attempted to focus her mind. She analyzed the faces of the trapped group, then she gasped extraneously as she recognized them.

It was the Alexandrians. It was Rick. It was Carl. It was Abraham. It was all of them. Even Maggie, who was resting on a cot all of the men were carrying, was there. None of them noticed Roxanne's shocked face among the crowd of Saviors.

"Holy shit." She whispered, then stalked away to the back of the circle to stay hidden.

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