36 | still gotta mean something

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The next day, people were sent to get back to work

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The next day, people were sent to get back to work. Bodies were buried. Those who were infected were quarantined. Roxanne stood in her and Rick's bedroom, watching the people wander throughout the community. Rick came into the room and protectively wrapped his arms around Rox. "I know what this means." Roxanne told, crossing her arms.

Rick was completely silent. "You're going back out there." Roxanne told.

"We need food. I'm gonna find some." Rick informed nonchalantly.

Roxanne shook her head and leaned back into his arms. "You're doing what I did. Isolating yourself so that you don't have to feel the pain of losing your child." Roxanne confronted his mind. Rick allowed a tear to slip down his face.

"Carl wrote me a letter. A vague one, but there was one." Roxanne mentioned, hoping that she didn't hurt Rick if Carl hadn't written him one too. Roxanne heard Rick sniffle and shrivel under her touch. He comforted him by turning around to face him and snaking her arms around his neck. She pressed him close to her so that her warmth would help the emptiness he felt in his heart.

* * *

"The relay cars are in position. If the Saviors are coming back, we'll have 10, maybe 15, minutes heads up." Rosita announced. She, Maggie, Daryl, Dianne and Roxanne were all in Maggie's office discussing their plan of defense.

"And our ammo?" Maggie inquired.

"About what we thought. Not enough to fend off another attack of that size." Dianne informed.

"Well, maybe we don't gotta worry about that no more. At least for now. Maybe going hand to hand is our only option. I saw Roxanne out there, she's real good at it. She got over thirty of 'em in one go around." Daryl's gruff voice echoed out into the room.

"You think they're low on ammo?" Rosita questioned.

"Well, they must've gone through a whole bunch of it getting through them walkers at the Sanctuary." Daryl shrugged.

"And there's not a lot of places to find more." Dianne hummed.

Roxanne poked her head upward to look Maggie directly in the eye. "Unless they're not looking for bullets to supply themselves..."

"Whadya mean?" Daryl stepped forward, intrigued.

"Didn't you tell me they have that Eugene man trapped up in there?" Roxanne asked.

"Trapped? More like hired. Man's living in luxury." Daryl scoffed.

Roxanne nodded as she further contemplated her thoughts. "I heard him talk about producing bullets once. Right, Rosita?" Roxanne gestured over to the girl.

Rosita's jaw dropped. "Son of a bitch is probably making bullets for them. Mierda. They have our bullet maker. They can make more." Rosita cursed.

"You think they have the materials?" Roxanne inquisitively propped her elbow on Maggie's desk.

"If they don't, I know where they'd find it." Rosita scoffed, hitting her thigh angrily.

* * *

"There's a herd. And a wave of lies that is coming with it. Lies made up of a man's word, the only thing that's still gotta mean something these days. There's a herd. But not a herd of walkers. A herd of death." Roxanne spoke out as she sunbathed in the sunshine.

"When did you become poetic?" Niklaus chuckled as he seated himself next to her.

"When I learned that Rick went out there to go kill all of the remaining prisoners. Not to save them." Roxanne sighed as she shook her head.

Niklaus looked at Roxanne's face, studied it over and over. "You look so much like her." He breathed out.

"Adriana?" Roxanne asked without even flinching.

"Yes." He answered.

* * *

Later that night, Rick was back. Roxanne was about to go rest as he came in the room. "I'm sorry." Rick spoke out, because he knew that Roxanne knew of what he had done.

"Why would you apologize? I'd do the same." Roxanne shrugged off her shirt and pants.

Rick quieted himself for a moment. "I love you." He reminded.

"I love you, too." Roxanne answered then slipped into bed, with a sleeping Judith laying next to her.

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