3 | we burn them

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 Roxanne had trailed the herd and spotted a man, drenched in sweat and desperate to survive, running away from the pack

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Roxanne had trailed the herd and spotted a man, drenched in sweat and desperate to survive, running away from the pack. Roxanne was far enough away so that none of the walkers could see her, therefore, she was completely safe for the time-being.

Roxanne knew she had to do something; helping others was instinctual to her. So, she parked her car and stuck her head out of the window. "Hey, over here! Get in." She waved her arms crazily, gaining the attention of the man, and unfortunately, of the dead too.

He turned around, and desperately pushed past the walkers to get to the car. He swung open the door and struggled to get it closed, for the walkers had tailed him too closely. Eventually, he got the door closed and Roxanne stepped on the gas, speeding away from the herd.

She whipped out her gun as she drove and pointed it at the man. He looked at her confused, and fearful. "Just a precaution." She shrugged.

"What's your name?" She immediately began interrogating him.

"Rick Grimes." He was out of breath, his adrenaline was probably through the roof.

"Hand over all of your weapons." Roxanne barked. He cautiously removed two heavy artillery, one small hand gun and a knife from his body.

"You looked like you were headed somewhere, anywhere particular?" Roxanne glued her eyes back on the road, dodging a few biters here and there as she went. Rick remained silent, not wanting to disclose his small town's secrecy.

"Look, I know you don't know me— but if you want to get back home, this is the only way. If you need any more persuasion, I have a baby in the backseat." Roxanne shrugged and Rick's head shot back to Kali, the silent 6 month old baby.

Rick slowly turned back to face the front, as if he was struggling to decide whether to tell the girl where his camp was. "What's your name?" He questioned.

"Roxanne, and her name's Kali." Rick quickly identified Roxanne's accent— she must be from Louisiana, he thought.

"How many walkers have you killed?" Rick began interrogating, the way he used to for the new people whom wanted to join his group.

"I stopped counting as soon as I realized there was no way those rotting corpses were ever going to be human again." Roxanne shook her head, mentally stepping back to think of how many times she drove a knife into a dead person's skull.

"How many people have you killed?" Rick continued.

Roxanne gulped. "Five." She spoke quickly.

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