27 | grace

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27 | GRACE

The Alexandrians has already declared war on the Saviors on their front door step, and chaos had begun to erupt

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The Alexandrians has already declared war on the Saviors on their front door step, and chaos had begun to erupt. Roxanne was teamed up with Rick and Daryl for the fight. They were headed straight for one of the Saviors' armory to raid. It was a smart plan, for if the Saviors were to have access to all of their weapons— the Alexandrians would lose the war.

* * *

Her sweaty palms were pressed against the cold metal of the gun as she, Rick, Daryl and a couple others creeped into one of the Saviors' bases. "Signal if they're already inside. We'll be there." Rick told the two others as they began to split away from the group.

The nodded and scurried silently away. Daryl then nudged Roxanne and nodded at Rick. "C'mon, let's find them guns." He told in his usual gruff voice, then led the way.

Roxanne felt entirely numb throughout the entire fight. She thought she was done grieving Kali, but it seemed as if she hadn't even began coping with her loss. Her mind had been pushing the emotion away, too afraid to have to deal with that tragic pain.

The trio moved along, stealthily moving through the vast halls, trying to find the guns. They scoped the entire first floor but couldn't find the weapons anywhere. "Ain't on this floor." Daryl announced.

"Obviously." Roxanne grunted.

Rick tensed up. "Only option is up." He announced.

"High ground. Good cover." Daryl noted the pros of hiding the guns up above.

Rick snorted. "Yeah. I'd put 'em up there, too." He spoke as Daryl hurriedly found a staircase.

Roxanne quietly followed Daryl up the tight stairs with her gun cocked and eyes sharpened. The trio check every single goddamn floor in that abandoned building and found absolutely nothing. They were on the last floor, already exhausted from having to climb elevator shafts and many cases of stairs, and quickly scanned their surrounding area. "This is the last floor." Rick stated through his exasperated breaths.

"He said they'd be here." Daryl growled lowly, quite irritated the mission was taking so long.

"Everything else he passed you is checking out." Rick informed in order to calm Daryl.

"They'll be here." Roxanne snapped at Daryl, simultaneously with Rick. The guns had to be there or else..

Rick sighed. "Those guns get to the Sanctuary, they could cut through those walkers and free up an exit," Rick paused, "we'll go faster if we split up. Rox and I find the M2s, you find 'em, we use them, hit the courtyard right then and there." Rick suggested.

Daryl nodded. "End this quick." He spoke then went his separate way.

Roxanne begrudgingly followed Rick, and waited until they were far enough to ask: "Why the hell didn't you let me go my own way?" She sassed.

"I know that you've been through enough to know that you're not stable, mentally. And this, this fight, this game is all a mental play. I don't need to lose you because you were at a disadvantage of winning the game." He grumbled as they stalked along, opening doors and checking rooms for a storage of weapons.

Roxanne remained quiet. She wanted to rebuke his words, but she was too drained— emotionally— to even try and argue his point. At that point, all she wanted to do was win the fight against the Saviors then go back home (if Alexandria could even be called that anymore).

Every room she and Rick checked as they went along only seemed to be a bedroom or an empty closet. The sight was getting tired and Roxanne felt like she was walking in circles. She reached another blank door and placed her hand on the cold knob, however as soon as she did this, and blurred figure slammed its body into her. She and the stranger fought back and forth. She tried to defend herself from his seemingly endless blows.

Fortunately, Rick was near and ran to help her. He yanked the man off of her and attempted to restrain him. The man was so full of rage and hunger in his eyes. A fire fueled him to defend whatever was past that door Roxanne was about to open. Roxanne grew excited, assuming it was the armory she had finally found.

Rick gained control over the man as he had his arm wrapped around his neck. Within seconds, Rick found a swift opportunity to kill the man and did so. He saw sharp pegs, which was likely used to hold things, lined up on the walls. And while he still had control over the tussle, he interrogated the man before he sent him away. "The M2s. Where are they?" Rick shouted over the victim's grunts.

"No...guns!" The man shouted in between his gasps for air.

Rick pushed along the man to the door Roxanne was about to open, while still holding his grip around his throat. "They're in there?" Rick shouted.

"No! No!" The man screamed.

Rick sighed annoyedly as he almost lost control over the squealing, kicking and thrashing man. Without another thought, he found the man to be more of a distraction than a help, so, while he still held dominance, Rick shove the man against a nearby wall lined with pegs. The pegs pierced through the attacker's chest, instantly killing him.

Rick dropped to his knees, gasping for air instantly following. Roxanne began laughing hysterically, excitedly even, and rushed to his side. "We must've got it." She smiled devilishly. She rushed back over to the door and easily opened it.

As soon as her eyes focused on what it was and, more specifically: what was in it, she froze up. Her evil smile dropped along with her stomach and heart. Her eyes filled with tears and a small gasp escaped past her lips. Rick shot up and rushed to her side, worried if she had just laid her eyes upon more trouble.. but she hadn't.

A sudden wave of guilt overcame the two. There was an innocent baby laying in a crib within the room. The man they had killed was a father defending his child.

Roxanne began to shake all over. Flashbacks of Kali overcame her. Her emotions of rage and sadness flowed back into her. At that very moment she realized she was just as bad as Negan. "I'm a m-mo-monster." Rox stammered over her words as sobs disabled her from speaking her entire words at once.

Hot tears rolled down her face and all of the agonizing emotions she felt from the moment Kali was murdered rushed back in and she collapsed onto the ground. "Hey, hey, hey. This wasn't your fault. It was mine. Okay?! It was mine!" Rick told her with shaky breaths.

"We-we can fix this. We can save her. We can find her a home." Rick began wildly running his hand through his hair.

He stopped speaking and simply threw himself on the ground next to Roxanne and engulfed her in a tight hug. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect her." He apologized, not only for this child, but for Kali.

"We didn't know." Roxanne gulped. They didn't know a lot of things. And that was their tragic flaw. They didn't know that man was that child's father. They didn't know Negan would ever kill his own daughter. They didn't know everything would go to shit— would go to this.

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