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Living in the Kingdom was an experience that Roxanne never thought she and Kali would ever experience

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Living in the Kingdom was an experience that Roxanne never thought she and Kali would ever experience. She felt utterly safe. There were no walls to keep a look out on, there were invaders and there was a thriving self-sustaining community that she temporarily lived among. Although it was amazing at how well the Kingdom seemed to function, a deep desire still lingered within Rox. She was bored. She wanted to take action. She wanted to fight. She wanted to lead. Because of this, she quickly grew weary and anxious. She wanted something to do. Something exciting. So, when it was finally dark and when Kali was finally sound asleep, Rox slipped out of her quarters and began to stalk through the town.

She walked to random places, found a couple walkers and ridded the town's surroundings of them. Eventually, she heard the King's tiger's subtle growls and found herself walking toward its housing. She entered the building and absorbed every astonishing feature on the creature.

The tiger's long black stripes moved effortlessly as she stalked around her cage. She was strikingly beautiful. Somehow, Roxanne felt herself drawn to her. Roxanne neared the cage and wrapped her hands around the bars. She got close enough to see that name that dangled from her collar. Shiva.

Roxanne, absentmindedly, stuck out her arm into the cage— risking Shiva to tear it off— and when Shiva neared it, she pet the intimidating animal. Roxanne didn't know why she did it. Maybe it was the want to do something dangerous. Or maybe she just felt like she could relate to Shiva.

She, herself, was a vicious animal, forced to behave in order to protect the one she loves. If Kali didn't exist, Roxanne would be the same, heartless, selfish woman she was before Kali was birthed. Just as if Ezekiel didn't exist, Shiva would be the vicious, murderous animals she was made to be.

"You're good with her." A voice echoed out into the room.

Roxanne shot her hard eyes over at the source of the voice. She relaxed when she realized it was only Morgan. "Ezekiel will be impressed." He mentioned, standing tensely and far from the cage.

"We need the Kingdom. You will make that happen." Roxanne instantly spoke as she realized how strong someone must be if they owned a pet tiger.

"I'm sorry. It can't be me." Morgan fumbled his thumbs together.

Roxanne stuck out her other arm into the cage and began to caress Shiva more. Shiva purred a bit, expressing her likeness. "Then it has to be you, Shiva." Roxanne stated, knowing that she was actually referring to herself— her old self. Her heartless, fearless self.

"I'm going back to Alexandria." Rox announced.

"They'll kill you if they find you—" Morgan began.

Rox shook her head. "Negan wants me alive. I'm sure of it. There's something he still wants from me. I don't know what it is yet." Roxanne began heading for the door.

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