31 | crash

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31 | CRASH

As Rick and Roxanne walked to their next destination to accomplish their mission, they spotted a helicopter fly past their heads

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As Rick and Roxanne walked to their next destination to accomplish their mission, they spotted a helicopter fly past their heads. "I— or was I just— did I just see a—" Roxanne stammered over her words.

"I saw it too." Rick spoke breathlessly.

"You think it's the Saviors'?" Roxanne asked.

Rick shook his head. "We would've known about it if they had one. We would've seen it before." He mentioned.

* * *

Rick and Roxanne ended up parting ways. Rick went on to complete his mission with the Scavengers while Roxanne travelled to the Hilltop to check on them. When she arrived, she was met with dozens of prisoner faces and... Jesus. "What is this? We kill them all. I thought Rick was clear?"

Jesus widened and eyes and rushed over to Roxanne before she began acting rash. "That's not what we do. It's not what we do if we don't have to!" Jesus explained.

Roxanne huffed and eyed every prisoner. Each one of them were guilty of something, she could see it in their eyes. They needed to die. But she couldn't just kill them there. She'd be looked upon as cruel and unjust.

Roxanne didn't respond to Jesus. She didn't have time to think about that petty situation. She needed to move on and kill Negan. Therefore, she simply spun on her heel, took a car from the Hilltop and sped away without another angry thought crossing her mind.

As she was driving, the day turned into night and the darkness was unsettling. All she could think of were her own dark memories that kept her awake at night. The memories mostly consisted of Kali, but some were of her first child, Adriana, who she lost as well, and occasionally of her pre-apocalyptic husband, Niklaus. Recently, she had been having more vivid dreams of Niklaus. She found it quite strange that her connection to his faint memory seemed to strengthen more and more by each passing day.

As she was driving, her mind drifted away from reality. Her minds sunk into her deep, personal and saddening thoughts. She thought of herself as a failure. In her eyes, she failed entirely to be a mother, a protector, a partner and a survivor.

She thought about what Niklaus would've done if he were still around. He had disappeared right when the apocalypse began, right before Adriana was torn apart before Roxanne's very eyes. He was an intelligent, kind, loyal and protective man. He was Roxanne's stabilizer. He kept her balanced, just like Rick seemed to do. She could handle herself alone, she was an independent woman after all, but, when she was given a responsibility— she needed some support.

Roxanne continued to ponder her life as she experienced her existential crisis. During this, Roxanne stoped paying attention to the road... that was until she spotted a man standing in the middle of the dark road. Roxanne jerked her car off the road, and caused it to crash into some nearby trees. She slammed her head against the windshield and developed a huge headache and a sharp pain from the fresh gash on her forehead. Roxanne's vision temporarily blurred as her mind slowly blacked out. Her sight faded into a blackness that she eventually fell deeply into, despite struggling to resist the void. Rox fell completely unconscious before she could even get a glimpse of the person's face that caused her to crash.

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