17 | i miss you

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Roxanne's breath hitched as she reached the Alexandrian gate with Negan

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Roxanne's breath hitched as she reached the Alexandrian gate with Negan. It had been the first time in months since she had seen it, and it would be the first time in months that she would see her child, Kali, again.

Negan had decided, last minute, that bringing Roxanne along to the first Alexandria ransack would very well contribute to inducing fear among the defiant Alexandrians. He also tugged Daryl, Negan's newest prisoner, along; although, he was concealed among the array of Saviors. Roxanne was completely unaware of Daryl's presence, else, she would have spoken to him already-- and possibly would have made a plan of attack already.

Negan whistled and hummed, as if the day was just another casual day. However, it wasn't. It was the day he would finally meet his daughter. It was the day he would realize what kind of person he truly was.

Negan continued his soft hums, then proceeded to bang on the front gate of Alexandria. "Little pig, little pig, let me in!" He shouted, menacingly.

Roxanne shot him a sideways glare, hoping he had caught it. Within seconds, Negan's request was granted and the rusty gate was opened, revealing many pairs of confused eyes. "Well?" Negan spoke up after a few awkward, silent seconds.

One of the many faces responded. "Um, who are you?" It was Spencer, Deanna's son. He, obviously, wasn't at the Alexandrian manslaughter; therefore, he didn't know who Negan was.

Negan's pearly white teeth creeped past his lips. "Oh, you better be jokin'," Negan chuckled, "Negan, Lucille, Roxanne. I know I had to make a pretty strong impression." Negan informed.

Suddenly, Rick hurried up to the front with a scornful look spread across his face. "Well, hello, there." Negan greeted the leader.

Roxanne gulped. He must've hated her by then. For killing one of her own, for abandoning the Alexandrians-- for abandoning him. "You said a week. You're early." Rick growled as he stepped closer to Negan.

Negan's cheeky smile did not falter. "I missed you," he told, then a random walker found its way to the site, "oh, Rick. Come on out here. Watch this. Calling it!" Negan invited before he turned around and smashed the head of the walker's head. Roxanne sighed in annoyance of the arrogant man and ran a hand through her tired hair.

"All right everybody, let's get started. Big day. Hey, Rick? You see that? What I just did?. . ." Negan began rambling, but Rick didn't listen to him. His eyes were focused on one particular person among the other Saviors.

Roxanne took notice of his glued eyes and turned around. She gasped quietly when she saw who was standing there: Daryl. He was there the entire time? Roxanne thought.

* * *

The Saviors wasted no time to search the entire community for any valuable resources. Whatever they deemed necessary, they took. They took everything the Alexandrians had, making sure that when they left, the community would have nothing.

While this was occurring, Negan and Rick walked around the community. Mostly because Negan wanted to taunt Rick, and wave around his power like a dog bone. While they were talking, Roxanne had bolted to go see her daughter.

Roxanne hurried over to Rick's house; she assumed that Kali would be there. Just as she suspected, as soon as she swung the front door open, there was Kali and Judith-- playing on the floor together. Roxanne's face instantly lit up, a wide smile creeped onto her face, her heart warmed, her mind rushed with a million relieving thoughts and happy tears began to stream down her face.

The heavy weights that were laying on her chest were suddenly relieved, and the throbbing love she had for her daughter intensified. Kali shot her head around and looked at Roxanne. It took a second for Kali to recognize her mother; but as soon as she did, she jumped to her feet and squealed.

Roxanne gasped. "She's walking?!" Roxanne's heart warmed. She ran over to her daughter and picked her up, hugging her tightly to her chest.

"I'm so sorry, baby girl. I'm so--" Roxanne began to apologize, then was interrupted by an abrupt gunshot being sounded off in the distance.

Roxanne squeezed Kali and cringed. She instantly thought of all the horrible scenarios that could've happened and quickly thought of a solution: she could run with Kali. But, she wouldn't have been able to get very far anyway; therefore, she stayed where she was.

* * *

Roxanne stayed in Rick's empty house with Kali, until Rick and Negan suddenly entered the home. Roxanne acknowledged Negan with a quick glance, then moved her eyes over Rick. "Rox--" Rick began as he took a step toward her.

Negan interrupted him instantly by abruptly yelling. "No! Nope. You don't look at her. You don't talk to her. Or else you're gonna have to chop a limb or two off of her!" Negan threatened.

Roxanne gulped and looked away from Rick. "Rick, you mind giving us a minute?" Negan asked, with a faux smile plastered on his face.

Rick barely nodded and rapidly exited the house, not daring to defy Negan in any way. Roxanne held onto Kali tightly and she heard Negan begin to near the two. "She looks like you." Negan confessed, his voice cracking.

Roxanne remained silent. The longer Negan stared at his daughter, the more his walled heart seemed to crack for her. All he wanted to do was pick her up and hug her. Never in a trillion years would he have ever thought that he'd fall in love with anyone except for Lucille. "...C-can I hold her?" He asked.

Roxanne held her breath. She didn't want him anywhere near him, however, how could she deny a father to be with his daughter? Begrudgingly, Roxanne nodded and passed the baby over to Negan. Negan picked Kali up cautiously. Kali simply stared into his matching blue eyes while he observed her small face. The sight was strange. How could such a viscous man be so kind and heartwarming with a baby?

"I'll give you two a minute." Roxanne informed as she got up and left the house. As soon as she walked out of the home, she was regreeted with the face of Rick on the porch.

Roxanne signaled for him to follow her around to the side of the house, where she knew they wouldn't be seen. Rick followed her, and as soon as they were out of sight, she threw her arms around him. "I-I am so sorry, Rick." Roxanne bawled, allowing her tears to slide down her dirty cheeks.

Rick held back his own tears, his voice cracking as he comforted Rox. "It's okay, Rox." He allowed his arms to snake around her waist.

She broke their hug to quickly kiss him. The kiss was far too short to be enjoyable, but it was enough to assure the couple that they were there for each other. "I was taken, then I was imprisoned by Negan, then I saw you, then Abraham was killed, then Glenn was killed, then... then-- here we are." Roxanne spoke faster than she could think.

Rick nodded, shooting her a forgiving look as he pressed his lips to her forehead. "I've missed you." Rick admitted.

Rox sighed and smiled through her sobs. "I've missed you too."

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