38 | wrath

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38 | WRATH

"Alright, stick to this road

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"Alright, stick to this road. Keep to the trees. We'll get there quicker. Plus, we can keep an eye on the road that way." Daryl read out the plan. It wasn't Roxanne's plan, because hers was too risky. Since her plan focused on killing Negan. Nipping the bud per say.

"Yeah, if they're planning anything, we'll see it." Rosita added.

"You think you can trust Gregory? What he told us?" Michonne inquired.

"I locked him up inside the house. He knew I wouldn't let him walk around free. He knew he was coming back to that. He doesn't believe in anything except himself, and he'd have to believe in the Saviors a whole lot to send us into a trap and think it'd work out for him." Maggie explained.

"That's the only thing we can trust from him. His self interests." Roxanne noted.

"Unless Dwight didn't tell him. That asshole could be setting us up." Daryl growled.

"Then we proceed with caution. We watch our steps and don't go running head on into situations we don't expect. We question everything the Saviors do before we react." Rox suggested.

Rick looked to the whole group and nodded at them, insinuating that he agreed with all they had proposed and was willing to cooperate. "Let's keep getting ready, everyone. First team's going in 20." Rick announced.

Everyone scattered except for Rick and Roxanne. "Maybe you shouldn't come with us." Rick suggested to her.

Roxanne scoffed. "No."

"You're not thinking clearly. The plan you proposed wanted to run in, guns blazing, all just to kill Negan. You're going to get sidetracked and get hurt." Rick elaborated.

Roxanne took a step back to think for a moment. "You bring him back to me, alive. Or I'll go back there and kill him myself." Roxanne agreed to his terms. She didn't want to fight with Rick. She just wanted Negan's head on a stick. And if Rick would bring him to her, she'd have all the time and energy to spend torturing the man who killed her child.

"I promise." He squeezed her hand.

* * *

Just as he promised, Rick brought Negan back to Alexandria. His throat was slit but he was still alive. He laid in medical, all patched up and cleaned. Roxanne was delighted at the news. And when she was given the opportunity, she went to go meet with Negan. She sat on the edge of his bed and looked down upon him. "Hello, again, baby." The word was nauseating to Roxanne but she wanted to mock the nickname he'd call all his whores.

"You come to save me?" Negan croaked out.

"I've come to condemn you." Roxanne pulled out a switchblade from her pocket.

"I've forgotten who I was. My life has been vanquished. It disappeared before I could ever vanquish my enemies. So, I've been doing some thinking. I realize I died the day you snapped my baby's neck." Roxanne pressed her blade into Negan's arm and ran it all the way down to the tip of his finger. As if she was going to skin him alive.

"But I was reborn when I realized I couldn't leave this earth without killing you. Some would call it a haunting. I am no one now. And, soon, you'll just be a rotting corpse." Roxanne slit his other arm, getting a few winces from Negan.

"Get it over with." Negan grunted.

"I thought of spitting open your belly and making you eat your guts while you'd still be alive. But I thought, that's too gruesome. I wouldn't want anyone to think less of me. But, you knew who I truly was before I had Kali. I was ruthless, and I would've killed you in such a way without even blinking." Roxanne admitted.

"I thought of many ways to kill you. But, I realized— as long as you were dead, I'd finally be at peace. And I could be reunited with my children." Roxanne stated, then proceeded to dig her blade into Negan's heart. She watched, eagerly, as Negan's life left his eyes. She listened carefully to his last breath. She even felt his skin grow cold after his heart stopped beating. It was a glorious feeling. And it truly did satisfy her need to vanquish the man and his plots. She was finally at peace.

So, she turned around and shoved the blade deep into her own heart. Her body sagged to the ground with a loud thud and she died. There was nothing left for her on that world. She was tired of the dead. She was tired of the living. And, most importantly, she had nothing to live for anymore. But now, it was finally over.

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