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Roxanne's face was in agonizing pain when she had woken up

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Roxanne's face was in agonizing pain when she had woken up. Her cheeks all the way down to the base of her neck was sore from smiling so much. Smiling— something she couldn't seem to stop doing since she and Rick had shared her first kiss. It had been so long since she had felt butterflies in her stomach like this before, and it felt kind of nice.

Kali began to fuss —the neighbors had dropped her off earlier— and Roxanne immediately fed and changed her, like she routinely did. Following the quick routine, Rox took Kali outside, deciding that fresh air would do the baby some good, despite the loud groans of the monsters just beyond the wall.

She trailed the wall until she caught a glimpse of some blood drooling down the side of the metal wall. Rox touched it with her free hand and observed it. Bleeding was such a natural thing, she never really stopped to think about how symbolic it really was.

Roxanne broke her train of thought when she spotted a movement in her peripheral vision. Her eyes turned to focus on the figure, and she recognized the man as the priest— he had asked earlier if she wanted Kali to be baptized. He was placidly pasting white flyers everywhere, reminding that there was going to be a prayer circle that day.

For a moment, Roxanne considered the offer— but brushed the thought away as she had more important thing to tend to. Life behind the walls of Alexandria had almost consumed her. Simple things such as prayer circles, taking a walk in the park with Kali and much more seemed to rise to importance in Rox's mind because of the lifestyle behind the wall.

Roxanne eyed Rick, who emotionlessly trailed through the priest's path and tore down his flyers. Roxanne grew a sudden flicker of rage at the man who she was crushing on moments ago. "Hey!" She yelled from afar and jogged up to him.

He spun on his heel, surprised at the abruptness of her voice. "Put 'em back." She ordered as soon as she reached him.

"What—" Rick began.

"Put. Them. Back." Roxanne demanded.

Rick's eyes seemed to flicker with dismay and he obeyed, placing the delicate flyers back where they were. Roxanne shot a shy smile over to the priest and he returned the kind action. Roxanne turned around and bit her lip, noticing the effects the community was giving her. She was beginning to become soft and kind. Something she never was since the apocalypse started. Traces from her life before the zombie take-over seemed to become more evident the more time she spent here.

Rick coughed awkwardly, and Roxanne turned back around— this time with a blank expression wiped across her face. "I was going to teach the boys how to shoot... you wanna come?" Rick invited.

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